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Hey guysss!!!!! It's milkyoppar! I just wanted to say that I had planned for this to go up last night, but when I checked my draft, half of it was deleted. :( So sorry this one is a bit off schedule, but I just finished retyping it. Any waysssss, please enjoy!!! :):)


The next week was smooth sailing for Mew and Gulf until Saturday the 11th rolled around. Mild and Gulf were at Pear's house, the three of them cuddling on the couch under soft blankets in their onesies, eating strawberry ice cream, and watching romantic comedies. Pear and Mild knew that this was always a hard time of the year for Gulf, so on the eleventh of January, for the last twelve years, they've made it tradition to spend the day together so that Gulf would never feel alone.

Just as Gulf scooped another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth, his phone started ringing. Knowing that Gulf wouldn't want to talk to anybody today, Pear picked up the phone to answer it.

"Oh, wait," she looked at Gulf, "It's P'Mew. Do you want me to answer it still?"

Gulf hummed, "Yeah, you go ahead. Just tell him I love him and sorry for not wanting to talk."

Pear nodded and got up, stepping outside to answer the FaceTime, "Hey, P'Mew."

Not expecting to see Pear, Mew smiled, "Oh, hey Pear! Where's my Kana? I was just calling to see if he wanted to grab something to eat."

"He didn't tell you?" Pear furrowed her brows.

Mew shook his head, "Tell me what?"

Pear sighed, "It's the anniversary of his parents' death today." Mew gasped but she carried on, "It's been twelve years, but the guilt still really gets to him."

"Gulf? Why does he feel guilty? It can't be his fault," Mew pouted.

Pear nodded, "It's just because," she sighed, "Well, his parents died in a car accident, and he was in he backseat when it happened."

Mew's eyes went wide, "Oh my god." He took a few seconds before asking, "Can I come over? I really want to make sure my Kana is okay today."

Sighing, Pear tilted her head, "I don't know if that's a good idea, but I can ask Gulf."

Nodding, Mew exhaled a breath of relief, "Okay, just tell him I love him, alright?"

Pear smiled, "I will. And Gupi said that he's sorry he didn't want to talk and he loves you, too."

"Let me know if I can come over and I'll bring goodies, okay?" Mew smiled.

With a smile, Pear nodded, "I will. Bye, P'."

Pear hung up and walked back inside to snuggle back up to Gulf and Mild on her couch, "P'Mew wants to know if he can come over."

Gulf looked over to Pear, a bit surprised, "Hm? He wants to be here? Now? Did you tell him?"

Nodding, Pear sighed, "He just wants to make sure you're okay." She then shrugged, "Why wouldn't he want to be here though? You two share everything with each other now. Don't you want him to be here, too?"

Sighing, Gulf hummed, "Yeah, I guess so. Are you guys okay with it? I mean, this has kind of been our things for over a decade, so if you're fine with it, then sure."

Mild perked up, "P'Mew should definitely come over. Just make sure he's dressed for the occasion."

The three of them were dressed in their comfiest pajamas, Pear in a panda onesie, Mild in a Winnie the Pooh onesie, and Gulf in a unicorn onesie.

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