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Gulf was rushed into surgery as he had a broken arm, a sprained ankle, two fractured ribs, and a bad laceration to his lower abdomen. After Gulf was in surgery and positively identified, his emergency contacts, Pear and Mild, were notified.

Not even thirty minutes later, Pear and Mild arrived at the hospital, demanding information about Gulf.

"Where is he? Tell me what happened? Is he going to be okay?" Pear rambled to the emergency room nurse.

The nurse showed them to a waiting room to sit in until the surgery was over, "Ma'am I need you to calm down."

Mild impatiently spoke up, "Just answer the damn questions!"

The nurse sighed, "He's been in surgery for nearly half an hour, but there's no telling how long it'll take. He suffered from many injuries but our surgeons are doing everything they can."

"Is he going to be okay?" Pear asked with tears in her eyes.

The nurse put a hand on Pear's shoulder, "They're doing everything they can."

Mild's jaw clenched, "That's not an answer."

With a gulf, the nurse turned to Mild, "We don't know yet. He was in really bad shape when he got here. One of the surgeons should come out to give you an update. I'm sorry I don't have more information for you," she was sincere.

The apology softened Mild's heart a little, "I'm sorry, we're just worried."

"I understand," the nurse offered a sympathetic smile, "You can wait here until the surgery is over." She smiled once more before leaving.

Mild hugged Pear as she sobbed for their baby brother, "He'll be okay."

An hour passed.

Then another.

And another.

After an eternity of waiting and worrying, a surgeon came out of the operating room to speak to Pear and Mild. At the sight of the surgeon, the two shot up to their feet.

"How is he?" Mild asked.

The surgeon offered a soft smile, "He'll be just fine. He is torn up pretty bad and we'll need to keep him here for a while, but he should make a full recovery."

Overjoyed, Pear and Mild embraced each other tightly before turning back to the surgeon. "Can we see him? Is he awake?" Pear asked.

Nodding, the surgeon led them to Gulf's room, "Surprisingly, he's awake. But he's very tired and very medicated so take it easy, alright?"

"Thank you so much," they both waied to the surgeon before entering the cold room.

They sat on either side of Gulf's bed, the injured boy tearing up when he saw Pear and Mild walk into the room. Gulf held both of their hands as he strained to speak, "I-I love you."

Pear teared up again, "I love you, too."

"We both do," Mild chimed in, "Can you tell us what happened?"

Gulf blinked long and slow before trying to swallow, "W-Water."

"Of course," Mild stood up, "I'll be right back."

Gulf smiled weakly as a thank you, his tears finally falling down his cheeks. Mild left the room and Pear kissed Gulf's hand lovingly before gently wiping the boy's tears away. As Pear caressed his cheek, Gulf rested his eyes and ended up falling asleep, not realizing just how exhausted he was.

Gulf didn't wake up until two days later, on Tuesday. When he did finally wake, Pear and Mild were still by his side, asleep. Gulf just smiled as he looked over the faces of his only family. He thought about how lucky he was to have the two right there with him through everything, and then it hit him. The whole reason he got into the accident. Why he was crying while trying to drive. Why he hadn't cared to put on a seatbelt. Why he was in such a hurry. He had to tell them.

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