Chapter 35: Arise

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Beladim's POV

I was thinking deeply as I got ready for the mission. I knew exactly what to do, and how to do it, but Lumen was a wildcard. Without her memory of us, I didn't know how far she'd go.

See, if you kill a Muse, they retain their conciousness. They then bind to someone, and get another chance, like Lumen did. We don't truly die.

However, if a Master or another Muse landed a finishing blow, I would be fully and truly dead. No conciousness.

I'm afraid that Lumen might try to kill me. I don't know if she would, but if she did....

I'm certainly stronger than Lumen, but if I use my strength, I might kill her on accident.

Kind of ironic that the Anthem can't revive the singer.

So, I'll either talk her down or knock her out. Darker options are a last resort.

Mind made up, I went to check on the others.

They were ready for the combat, but not mentally ready. Their hearts weren't in it. Mine really wasn't, either.

I turned to address the group. "The first priority is stopping Lumen. The first and most favorable option is to talk her down. Gunvolt and Mytyl will attempt that.

The next possible solution is to knock her out, and get the Masters to restore her mind."

My voice darkened as I said the hardest thing. "If it comes to a true confrontation, I'll be the one to fight. I'll do what I have to."

Gunvolt looked resolute. "I'm still not attacking Lumen. I'll do anything else."

I nodded. "Let's head out, then."

As we went, Eliese asked me a question. "Where exactly are we going? Doesn't make much sense to go into the Mirror to close it."

Mytyl responded. "In the world, there is one location that the the Mirror Realm and our world connect, not far from here. That is the barrier."

I interjected, "What Ardor is going to do is send Lumen to the earth barrier location."

Gibril frowned in confusion. "If the barrier is there, how can she leave?"

I responded, "The barrier is very specific. It keeps Ardor in, and lets other things go on their way."

I frowned at a memory, "In the fight before he was sealed, he actually managed to trap me in the barrier. Lumen had to let me out."

We arrived.

The barrier appeared as a giant pane of glass, a really big mirror. Made of indestructible metal. Lumen was already there, and Ardor was patiently waiting on the other side.

I stepped back, and Gunvolt stepped forward.

Gunvolt's POV

Lumen faltered as she saw me. "GV, why are you here?"

I was calm. "To stop you from letting him out."

Lumen frowned. "He should be let out. They destroyed a country, him only a city. It's only fair."

I really didn't mean to shout, but that went against everything I knew.

"Are you insane!? Killing thousands for revenge is 'only fair'!?"

Lumen flinched, but remained where she was. There was pain in her expression.

"Gunvolt... this is all I am doing. After this, I will step aside."

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