Chapter 5: Utu Media Tower

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"How exactly did Joule overheat anyway? I didn't even know she could do that." GV was interrogating me about what happened to Joule as we walked back to the apartment complex.

I laughed nervously. "It's mostly my fault. I was testing my cloning abilities, and I made a clone of Lumen, don't give me that look, let me finish, I disabled her Septima so she couldn't destroy everything."

I wasn't even half way through and he was already glaring at me. Well, he did ask.

"I was calm, so there shouldn't have been a problem, so I made her Sentient. She asked me who I was, and who she was."

Gunvolt narrowed his eyes at me.
"And what did you say to her?"

"I told her I made her, and that she was a clone of the pop diva, Lumen. Showed her a video. That's all."

"GV was relaxing slightly, so I told him, "Don't relax, it gets worse. The clone started singing, Just singing, the song on the video. That's where it gets worse. My stupid self wondered if I could get that fancy Anthem buff without dying."

"You didn't...."

Yeah, I did.

"Lumen and Joule, hearing the song, came in. I *was* going to stop, but apparently Lumen wanted a duet with herself."

Lumen appeared next to us. "Don't make this sound like it's all my fault!"

Great. She's glaring too now.

"Joule couldn't handle singing twice in one go, so she fainted. Here we are now."

Gunvolt suddenly went pale. "Y-you had her sing, with her 'Septima on?"

"Yeah." I said calmly.

Gunvolt punched me. "It's called, 'Adept Sonar' for a reason!" We arrived at the apartment. The front door was open. We left through the roof. I drew my sword, and GV his pistol.  "I'll go first." I went through before he could stop me.

The apartment was trashed, someone was obviously looking for something. It was then that I heard footsteps. I hid near the door frame.... now!

I grabbed the person, meaning to throw them against the wall, but was tripped up and pushed against it myself. I saw dark red hair and gold eyes. For whatever reason, the guy had a magna comic in his left hand.

Gunvolt then came in, and mystery guy turned towards him, and said, "Hey Geeves! Found a thief in your house!" He gave me a shake for effect.

GV put down his gun, and sighed.

"Zeno, how many times did I tell you, Call me before you break into my house!" It seemed they had this conversation before. Zeno just smiled.
"A window was open. Besides, I caught a burglar! Worked out in the end!" I facepalmed.

"He's my friend, Zeno. Put him down."
Zeno let me down with a chuckle.

I pouted. "I get normal friends, you get this guy. Great."

"Why are you even here, Zeno?" GV questioned him. Zeno looked almost offended.

"Cool your jets man! First, I got here 10 minutes ago. Second, it's pizza night! We always do pizza night! Your fault for forgetting."

I turned towards GV. "Is he always like this?" "Pretty much."

"Zeno, it's noon. Why are you really here?" GV was sounding like he already knew the answer.

Zeno held up his left hand, that still had the magna in it. "Joule never returned my magna! I went to get it, but you weren't here. So I used the key you gave me."

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