Chapter 15

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Gibril's POV

I realized what he was doing right as he finished doing it. I expected to be fighting the grey eyed Gunvolt, but this was different. This Gunvolt got into a fist fighting stance, proving he was still in there. Hopefully.

Surprisingly, he didn't just lunge forward. He looked at me with narrowed eyes, waiting for me to move first.

So I began to hover, and started tossing knives at him. He ducked and dodged most of them, except the one that just hit his shoulder. He pulled it out without a grimace, smiling.

What suprised me is that he spoke.

"That won't work, Gibril."

Still holding the knife, he charged it with lightning and threw it at me.

It glanced off my shoulder plate, leaving a glowing blue circle behind. He then raised his hand, causing a focused lightning blast to hit me, causing me to fall.

I rolled with it, and ended up on my feet, claws extended.

I guess it's my turn to talk him down.

"I don't understand, Gunvolt. You still have control of your body. It's your mind that is the problem."

He gave me a look. "Funny coming from the one with anger issues."

He raised a hand, causing the knife to come back to his hand. He lunged with it, and I jumped over him, causing me to be behind him. I could tell he was smiling.

"Shadow Striker!"

A clone of Gunvolt appeared behind him, holding his gun, and it shot at me, forcing me to back away. The clone dissipated.

I'm getting very annoyed here...

"Gunvolt, will you listen to me, or will I have to beat you into the ground first!?"

He smiled. "If you can. You're lucky I'm not allowed to kill you."

Before I could stop myself, I yelled, "Well, come on then! Use your full power on me, and watch as it fails!"

Gunvolt glanced at the man, who nodded. Gunvolt smirked at me.

"Septimal Surge!"

He grinned. "Goodnight, Gibril. Grand Strizer!"

When he stretched out his hand, and a massive golden blade appeared, slashing me badly. That's it!

A steel coffin appeared, encasing me. A large fighting ring slammed down, blocking him from leaving. Anger surging, I cut the coffin to bits. "Iron Maiden!"

"I'll rip you to shreds!"

I then began jumping around the room, landing at specific spots, causing red spikes to shoot out of the ground. Gunvolt cursed, attempting to get out of the way.

One of the spikes went through his leg, stopping him from running. Good. Now I can kill him.

Wait, what!?

I then remembered what he told me about the killing instinct I got when angry.

I shook my head, dismissing the fighting ring, and my eyes stopped glowing.

I knew what to do now.

"Sorry." I muttered to Gunvolt. I then bit him (Again), and he screamed.

His eyes were rapidly changing between grey, that focused blue, and his normal shade.

Must hurt having three minds in your head.

He then seized up, and his eyes stayed grey. Good.

"Follow me."

Azure Striker Gunvolt: A different perspective Where stories live. Discover now