Chapter 25: Insanity

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Juggernaut's POV

Ever had something you've been looking for desperately, just one locked door away? That's what I felt.

I still couldn't open the damn thing! Even worse, I could sense both Joule and Mytyl behind that door!

The only one that can open it is one of those white robed creeps. Legend says there are three. I killed one. The other two were in the locked garden. How do I know that?

They had immensely powerful Septima, equal to Lumen after she gained form. And because my goal is to absorb Septima, it made the agonizing feeling even worse.

A sudden thought made me stop. Nova was able to completely stop me in place, all by himself. These Masters are far stronger than Nova. What if I can't defeat them?

No. I can. If I can't, I have no purpose. I will absorb them. I have to!

Zonda's POV

I blinked, coming back to conciousness. Nova must have brainwashed me again!

"He didn't brainwash you! You are far stronger than that!"

I turned around. My male form was sitting on the bed, talking to me. I turned away from him.

"You can't be here unless I let you. Go away."

I heard him chuckle. "My dear, you know this is your fault. You're not going to dismiss me. Maybe I'll just possess that form of yours...."

I shook my head. "No. You can't do that again. Go away."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was my female form this time. "Maybe none of this is even real. Maybe you died when you stole this power. I think you might be hallucinating."

I whirled around angrily. "I'm NOT crazy!" My male form laughed.

"Look at you, talking to yourself! You know other people can't see us, right?"

My eyes widened. "Of- of course they can see you! They have to!"

My female form looked at my in mock pity. "Nova has no use for a broken girl. You're running out of time before he gets rid of you."

My male form laughed in glee. "We can't wait! Once you're gone, we'll finally have a body!"

I stared at them. "You. Are. Not. Real."

My male form smirked. "Doesn't the fact that we aren't real prove your insanity?"

I blinked in confusion. "No, if you weren't real you would have left when I made you. Then again, if you were real, why can't people see you?"

My female form smiled. "I can answer that. The power you took is a Mirror, yes?" I nodded. She grinned.

"Then you're just looking at yourself. You were crazy long before you got that power."

My male form added, "Maybe we will leave. Don't want to stay with a crazy person." I immediately jumped up.

"You can't leave! If you leave, I have nothing. No power, no Septima. Stay!"

My reflections grinned. "You want us to stay? Even if we're just your imagination?"

I nodded desperately. "Yes. Please stay."

"You will allow us to use your Septima to come out sometimes?"

I thought on this. I need this power. But, when they come out, I have no memory of what they did. I've returned in small moments, but....

The last time I was truly myself was before I stole that power.

I turned to my forms determinedly.

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