Chapter 13

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Ashton's POV

I probably should have thought about it before I jumped out of a building. I was interrupted by a dagger going through my blade hand. The knife dissolved into blood, and then I was tackled. By the girl.

Not sure how, but she was hovering. She twisted us around until I was facing the window, and kicked me forwards. I grunted in pain as I crashed through the window, sliding down to the floor and staying there. Not sure what to deal with. The hole in my hand, or the broken rib?

The girl then floated into the window, and began walking towards me, a sadistic grin on her face. She started talking.

"Bleed a little more, and I'll have another zombie in my collection. Worth it for someone to stealing Gunvolt away from us." A knife appeared in her hand as she stood over me.

"He is not to be killed."

The girl turned around, and I saw the purple guy. Pretty sure he's the leader here. I smiled at the leader. "You might have me, but at least GV got away."

The man only laughed. It was then that someone walked in, carrying Gunvolt. The guy that broke our fall!

I watched in shock as he placed Gunvolt at the leader's feet. Our 'rescuer' lowered his hood. And my eyes widened as I fell into a flashback.

"You stay here, Ashton. I'll get them out of the building." Kyle told me. My friend.

"You shouldn't. It's still around here. You can calm it!" He just smiled softly.

"If I do that, who will get them out of the building?" He grinned, hugging me.

"Protect Quinn for me." He then charged into the building.

Then I saw someone else show up on the building. My clone. The reason for all of this. He pointed towards the building full of people. "Shadow sphere!" And I watched in horror as the building exploded, screaming the name of my friend.

".....Why?" That was all I could manage as I looked at him after so long. He glared at me.

"After the building exploded, you didn't even look for me." The door opened as Shadow entered, placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder, taking off his own hood.

Now his name made sense. Shadow. The shadow of a disaster that I left behind. My clone. It spoke.

"When I annihilated that building, it was full of Humans. I don't mind killing those. But when another adept entered the building? I had to help him."

Then they turned towards Zonda. Kyle then prepared his Septima, glowing brightly. When it stopped, Zonda looked furious. When Shadow spoke, I  knew why.

"Every adept you have brainwashed is now released, free for their own lives."

I knew it was true as I felt my Conjurer Septima come back to me. Gunvolt crackled softly as he was restored.

"You did this to us!?" I looked to see the girl, eyes glowing murderously, glaring only at Zonda.

She raised her hand.

Gunvolt snapped awake, eyes grey, as he picked Zonda up off the ground and shoved her into the wall. Shadow didn't stop her.

Kyle spoke up as the leader.

"Your rule over Eden is at an end, Zonda. Your gole was true, but brainwashed adepts? That will not happen."

Zonda frowned, both of her forms appearing, as she got ready to fight.

"I leave her to you, Gibril."

Zonda was then tackled out of the window, much like I was. Kyle spoke up.

"Well Ashton, you have a choice here. You and Gunvolt can leave now, without returning. Or, you can join my rule over Eden. What say you?"

I raised a glowing hand as a pair of 10th gen tanks appeared at my side.
Kyle chuckled.

"Stubborn to the end. However, all the adepts here follow me. Dismiss them."

I growled as I did so.

The door opened as someone in a Quill uniform strode in confidently. "This place doesn't belong to either of you." Asimov crossed his arms as he faced the two.

I grinned, summoning a clone of Lumen. The clone began to sing, and Asimov stumbled to the ground, glasses disintegrating. A rainbow glow surrounded Asimov. He was buzzing with power greater then any I've seen.

"Evac GV, Ashton. I'll handle this."

I nodded as Asimov floated in the air, a flashfield surrounding him, as he charged towards them. (His main charge during the boss fight.)

I took GV as I went out the door, looking for the entrance. As I went through a hallway I saw an unconscious Gibril. Guess she couldn't get Zonda.

I hurried faster as shutters began to fall. Teseo.

I got through most, but as a approached the final shutter, I was too far away. Muttering an apology, I tossed GV through the shutter, and sighed as I was now trapped.

Shadow's POV

As Kyle was being bounced around by this dude, I got into position. I got my chance. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Septimal Synthesis." The man screamed as his Septima rushed away. The more you had, the more it hurts.

I grunted as he elbowed me in the stomach, pulling a Topo rifle and firing at Kyle.

I backed away as I yelled. "What the heck man! Why won't you give up!?"

He responded calmly. "One must always have a backup plan." I turned, running for the lab, leaving Kyle to deal with this super-adept.

???'s POV

I could tell something big was going on as the shadow man entered the room. He put a white glaive into the machine, and I gasped as I felt the Septima. What power!

the shadow spoke. "Today is the day. Obliterate all except Kyle and I."

A klaxon sounded as the building's computer system began checking for errors. The automated voice sounded.

"Activating project 'Juggernaut'. Scanning Septima. ERROR. multiple Septima detected. ERROR. safety protocols disengaged. Releasing subject."

I collapsed to the ground as I fell out of the harness, Shadow moving to help me up. He gasped as I stabbed him in the chest with a blade of ice.

"I am stronger than any order."

I walked towards the door, still keeping Shadow on my blade, like a morbid hook.
I switched to 'Hack The Planet' as I opened the sealed door.

As I left the lab, I was stopped by a pair of adepts. The chef and the dancer.

Asroc gasped as he saw Shadow on the hook. I dropped him at his feet.

I opened my mouth as 'Lazy Laser' fired from my mouth, hitting Asroc dead on. He flew back, hitting the wall.

I glared at the dancer as I used 'Petrifying Gaze' and watched as he turned to stone. I walked over to the weakend Asroc. I smiled as I switched  to the 'Azure Creed' Septima. I fired lightning out of my hands in a stream, charring the chef. "Guess he's overcooked. Heh."

I will absorb all Septima, and be the strongest in the world.....


Alot happened. Now you know why the Unknown POV, who I'll call Juggernaut, is important. An Eden experiment.... looks like Eden is done for, and they still have Sumeragi to deal with. We learned what happened during 'The Disaster' and the origin and death of Shadow.

Alot is happening folks! See ya next time!

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