Chapter 26

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Nova's POV

I sat at my desk, thinking. The Diva project is considerably set back by Alexandra's betrayal. I sighed deeply, pouring myself a glass of whatever my attendant left me.

I wanted to rule with her. Once the Diva project was finished, it would just be us. Two adepts, and perfect control.

I smiled at the thought. A perfect goal. I turned to a guard.

"Where is Zonda?" The man paled. I narrowed my eyes.

"Did something happen to her?" The guard spoke, stuttering.

"S-see for yourself, sir." He pulled up a security feed.

I watched in suprise as Zonda transformed and killed Tenjian. I spoke up, concern in my voice. "Weren't they like siblings?" The guard simply motioned for me to watch.

I watched in interest as Zonda's Female form spoke to her. I gasped. "How is it her form can speak to her? Aren't they the same person?"

The guard gulped. "There's more, sir."

My interest turned to amazement as Zonda touched a mirror and disappeared. I turned to the guard. "Get me that mirror."

The guard, nodded, walking away. I sighed. I was only sixteen, but felt far older.

I turned on my commlink. "Maria! I need you here." Maria was my chief medic, but she was just as good with a corpse than a man. She entered.

"I want an autopsy on Tenjian. Look with your Septima, if you please. Tell me what you find."

She nodded, leaving. The guard returned, mirror in hand. I took it from him.

I studied it intensely. It had a purple and red design, and a word in a language I didn't recognize. I turned to the guard.

"Get someone who can tell me what that says." The guard smiled.

"Already did, sir. It says Harmony."

I frowned.

"Where did Zonda get this mirror?"

The guard shrugged. "She had it when she came back from a mission. Give me a moment to find a debrief..."

After a moment, the guard smiled, handing me a folder. I opened it.

The objective was to investigate the Garden of Harmony, located at..... My eyes widened.

The very same fortress Zonda asked to be assigned to, also the one Juggernaut occupied. This was connected, it seemed.

"Tell General Esbern to watch over the station. I'll look into this.... personally."

The guard nodded. "Right away, sir!"

I smiled, teleporting.

I appeared at the fortress's entrance, looking around. Not long after, Juggernaut appeared. He jumped. "Oh, hell no." He opened a wormhole, and disappeared.

Multiple portals appeared around me in a circle, and I heard Juggernaut's smug voice.

"Want to break into my head? Get through them first."

I took a step back as figures walked out of the portals.





And many others, all with zombified purple eyes. I smiled, preparing my Septima.

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