Survival - Lily - Chapter 28.2

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"Seokjin is your parent's biggest threat. Your parents got the Mins under their control. So what happens when Seokjin dies? Your position as the supreme alpha will no longer threaten your life. Your life is no longer vulnerable because no one's powerful enough to threaten you anymore. And then what? You can only do whatever the fuck you want right now because your parent are afraid of losing you BECAUSE SEOKJIN'S ALIVE! As long as Seokjin stands, your life will always be in danger! And that's the only privilege you have to preserve your freedom! As soon as Seokjin dies, you'll be trapped. Your parents will do whatever they want, and you'll be weak because his death will guarantee your lifelong immunity. You'll end up like Yoongi. Powerless. You'll be your parent's puppet. Is that what you really want? As ironic as it sounds, the last thread of your freedom depends on Seokjin. You'll have to put your life on the line to save yourself from falling into your parent's grasp. Y-You're so focused on killing Seokjin- you've failed to see the trap set right in front of you! Do I have to go further? Or are you going to admit your foolishness?!" Taehyung snapped in frustration while glaring at me with his dark eyes. My heart sank at his words in realization. If I kill Seokjin... my parents won't be afraid of losing their only heir anymore... which means... I no longer have an excuse to threaten them. He's right... I'm stupid. They're only generous with me because they needed me alive... and without Seokjin... no one can hurt me. I even let them negotiate with the Mins... this can't be... ahhh I'm so fucked. Kim Seokjin is god's favorite, huh?! AISH! I'm so fucking frustrated!

"If Seokjin dies and I lose my freedom. Will it save Jimin?" I gulped sadly at Taehyung.

"Are you really going to destroy yourself for him? Don't live in a delusion, Sora. This isn't a fairytale," Taehyung stared at me in disappointment.

"Isn't it the things you do for love?" I chuckled, tearing up as I glanced away in pain. Save myself... or save Jimin. Sora... if you can't save yourself, how will you protect him?

"Namjoon is waiting in the lobby," Taehyung sighed, finally letting go of me. I nodded and walked away from him as my chest swelled with an extremely uncomfortable sensation. What should I do? I can't decide! Arghh! Sora... you know what you have to do. You don't have a choice.


"I'm fine," I whispered, glancing at Hoseok when he worriedly reached out for me as I got to the lobby entrance of the mansion. Seokjin's guard was arming the corridor to the East Wing while my guards aimed at them from the West Wing.

"Drop the weapons," Taehyung's voice thundered, signaling our guards as he stood beside me. Are you sure about this Sora?- There's nothing I can do! As much as I hate to deny it- Taehyung is right.

"What? Why-"

"Drop it," I ordered, cutting Minho off as he rushed up to us in confusion. The guards seemed baffled, but they did as I requested, so I walked towards Namjoon, who was standing in the middle of the lobby. Ah... I'm going crazy... those prideful eyes.

"Seokjin doesn't have much time. You promised to grant me one wish back then. Spare him," Namjoon stared at me dead in the eyes. Crack. An earsplitting thunder boomed over the island, followed by heavy pouring rain. Aish... even the sky is weeping for Seokjin.

"It seems like he won't make it by water or air," I responded, sorely turning to look at the gray sky. Crack. A violent spark of lightning ignited across the dark sky once again. The storm is too dangerous for them to cross...

"So, you've decided to save yourself? Sora, sometimes your real enemies aren't the people around you, but the ones standing beside you," Namjoon smirked, referring to my parents. He knew... He knew I needed Seokjin to dodge my parent's grip.

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