Q & A

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Whoooh! The Survival finally hit 1k views in total so I'd like to thank all of you for the support! To celebrate this, I'll do a Q & A for you guys. 

Comment down below and ask any questions you like! It doesn't have to be about me! It can be about anything! You can ask for advice or simply something about me! I'll answer it all! 

I MIGHT give a shout out to the best question asked or any question that I find important or funny! I don't know! Just ask! 

Survival will be a long fanfiction and I am sure of it! Instead of immature high school love affairs *my usual concept* I've decided to pick on a different concept and I am very proud of it. 

However, since the fanfiction will be super long I don't know if I should just go with one book or make a sequel? 

Full book or sequel? Comment down below! 

Moreover, I'd like to ask you guys some questions in return! Please please answer it because it'll help me so so much!

1- Do you enjoy reading Survival?

2- What do you think of Survival?

3- Do you have any theory? Who might be the supreme alpha or who Sora will end up with? (I'm interested so please do tell me if you have any theory!) 

4- Would you recommend Survival to your friends? 

5- Who's your favorite character? 

6- Is the story boring? 

7- Would you prefer a full book or a sequel?

Well, thank you for answering! (if there's any answers XD) I'll pick one of the best answers and give a shout out! 

Stay tuned for the next update! As a gift, I'll update twice today XD! 

Survival | JJK / KTH / PJM | BTS FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now