Survival - Risks - Chapter 25

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Hello! This chapter is one hell of a chapter to work on haha! I'm sorry if I took awhile but here it is.

I haven't edited it yet, so please don't mind the mistakes! I will edit it soon! Thank you!

Revised Version 

Third Person POV

Gangnam. One of the busiest streets in Seoul.

At the far end of an alley stood an old villa housing a family of five. In the morning, the beaming sunlight glowed upon the old-fashioned windows as the giant trees swayed and danced along with the soothing wind current. In the early morning, an old ajusshi would be seen leaving his house with three of his sons while the ajusshi's brother watered the trees. In the daylight, the villa glows uniquely on its own, just a peaceful home, it appears. It has been quiet for the past 18 years. However, on this particular rainy night, flashes of car lights beamed at the entrance of the alley. Splashes of footsteps hurried down the dark passage, accompanied by frequent clappings of thunder. The dark figures quickly disappeared into the old villa, one after another.

Although it seems like an ordinary run-down villa- it had polished wooden stairs leading into a brightly lit spacious basement filled with rows after rows of chairs and couches. Women and men quickly took off their soaking jackets before taking their seats. The room hummed with hope and joy. Suddenly, the projector lit up to display the logo of a black phoenix spreading its magnificent wings.

"Brothers and Sisters. The moment we anticipated is finally a reality now. A new chance has been offered to us. Even the sky is celebrating as we rise from the ashes. Now... We have never seen the alpha's society in such an unstable state as it is now. This is our chance to strike. The alphas are blood-sucking monsters. They leech off the innocents until we're drained, and then we're nothing but disposable subjects to them. They aren't humans. They're devils from hell. They use luxury as a mask to conceal their savage natures. They're animals, ready to pounce and kill anyone who deems to be a threat. They're the heathens dominating the entire nation, the government, the laws, the economy, and the people. You and I, we've suffered under their games. We've suffered more than anyone else in this nation. Why? Because the commoners are clueless about the alpha's existence. Except us. Tonight is the beginning of Park Jihyun's Legacy. We will honor his death and destroy the alpha's society once and for all. Hence, his son will be our reminder of Jihyun's unjustified death, and he is here today, sitting proudly amongst us," The Ajusshi proudly smiled at his nephew, who was sitting in front of him. Rumbles of clappings thundered inside the basement. A lean and tall guy sat smiling at his uncle. He had a sharp nose and monolid almond eyes.

"Today, I've decided to disclose the culprits' identities accounted for the tragic death of my nephew's late parents. For centuries, the alpha society went by 5 ranks; the 5th ranks, 4th ranks, 3rd ranks, 2nd ranks, and the supreme alpha. Only one alpha ruled the 1st rank and it reflects their immense power and influence over the entire society. Ironically, today, there are three supreme alphas. What a mess, huh?" The ajusshi continued. His nephew, however, sat nervously staring at the screen on the wall. He's finally ready to face the murderers of his parents, swearing to destroy every single breathing alpha.

"I'll introduce you to the top five ranks. In the 5th rank, housing over 40 alphas stands three famous alphas. The Lee household, Lee Jongmin, Yeong Eunsu, and their daughter, Lee Mira. This household runs all the dirty work such as mafias and gangsters," Pictures of the Lee family popped up on the screen.

"Next, Gae Byung Hun, In Jiwon, and their daughter Gae Haerim. Haerim recently returned from abroad. Their family is on the verge of collapsing so they're desperately seeking help from the top alphas. Haerim has romantic relations with Kim Taehyung, the supreme alpha,"

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