Chapter 10: Out of my league

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Faye's POV: 

I walked back to my apartment thinking about Tyler.....

I don't know why. I mean I liked Niall.. Right?

But Niall would never go for a girl like me in a million years.... He was a celebraty with a beautiful voice, perfect personality and gorgeous appearance. I wasn't even pretty. And I was just a normal stupid American girl... I guess Tyler was my best shot at a boyfriend........

But at the same time, I kind of really liked Tyler too... He was so sweet. Maybe thats exactly what I needed. A sweet, good-looking NORMAL boy who cared about me. 

I didn't want to get wrapped up in the celebraty life anyways......

Did I..? 

No. I didn't. I wouldn't be able to take the hate. I am already insecure sometimes as it is. 

I mean, Niall and I were friends right..? But part of me thought that he just felt sorry for me.... But I hoped this wasn't the case. 

I got a text from Niall just then. Ha. what a coincidence. 

Hey gorgeous(: Wanna go out to dinner with me and the boys'?

 Ohmy..... He called me gorgeous.... Even though I defenetly wasn't.... Why did he have to be so darn cute?!

I replied.

Sure! Looking forward to it:) 

I smiled to myself. I actually really liked the boy's.

As if on cue I recieved a text from someone who I couldn't get off my mind.

Hey babe:) We should hang out sometime! What are you doing tomorrow?

Ohmy... He called me babe.... Well. That is kind of... akward. But I smiled to myself fand typed in my reply.

I'm free tomorrow:) what are we going to do?

I was thinking ice skating? I know this really cool ice rink down the block. I can meet you at starbucks in the morning tomorrow and we can go together:)

Sounds fun! But I must warn you- i am not much of a figure skater... actually I have never really gone since I was like 7 years old! :/ 

Don't worry, I'll help you:) And yay, looking forward to it:)

I hoped he didn't think it was a date tomorrow. We were just hanging out right...? But part of me wantend it to be a date.......

Nialls POV: 

A knock at our door signaled Faye was probobly here.

"Hey Niall!" She said as I swung the door open. Man, she looked happy. I smiled. Seeing her smile was awesome. I hope I was the reason to make her smile sometimes...  

 "Hey Faye!" I said. She was wearing skinny jeans and a light pink hoodie.  She still looked adorable. Her hair was wavy and tumbled down her shoulders and it was beautiful. 

God, everything about her was beautiful.... 

GOsh Niall stop it...

She would never go for someone like you so you have to stop thinkning about her like that.

You will just end up heart broken............

I sighed thinking about how she was to good for me.

"So where are we going?" She asked.

"Actually, we were thinking we could just order pizza instead if thats alright?" I asked.

She grinned. "That sounds perfect. I'd actually much rather order pizza and stay in I don't really feel like going out tonight...." We went in and sat down on the couch. "Where are the boys'?" She asked. 

"Harry and Louis are next door probobly playing nintendo. And Liam and Zayn are on their way." I said. 

"Cool." She smiled at me. 

"SO, what are you doing tomorrow? I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie or something? Shop a little for your flat?" I asked hoping she wpuld say yes. However, her expression fell.

"Awh geez... I'm really sorry Niall I met a friend today and tomorrow we are going ice skating." SHe said. Oh... 

Man... I felt so stupid for asking her to hang out with me. Its not like she will want to anyway. But I mean, at least she made a friend! Maybe she is nice! Maybe we can set her up with Harry! He has been looking for a special girl.. I smiled as i thought about this. 

"Oh don't worry! Thats fine... Whats her name?" I asked curious... A plan to set Harry up with her already planning out in my mind. 

"Erm... his name is Tyler...." She said akwardly.. 

Excuse me..... His...? Another guy..? 


Another guy was taking her ice skating. 

That should be me. 

God I am such an idiot. 

He will probobly win her over tomorrow and I will be left with no chance what so ever to get her. 

I felt anger and jealousy build up inside me and I stiffined sitting up straighter...

"Oh...." Was all I could manage to say. 

God I am such a flipin' idiot. 

Im so sorry its sooo short but I have to go finish my school work and eat dinner!!!!!!

OOOOHHH DRAMA!!! Do you like Tyler...? 

Team Tyler or Nialler?

That rhymes^^ hehe;) KEEP READING I WILL UPDATE SOON!!!! 

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