Chapter 5: Night with the Guys

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Faye's POV: 

Niall and I arrived at my apartment which was just a floor above his! And it was literaly right above his so I could bang on the ground and he would hear! 

"Greatt...." Niall rolled his eyes. "A loud neighbor upstairs." 

I slapped his arm. 'HEY! I am not loud. If anything; you boys underneath me are the ones I should be worrying about." I said. "Don't worry I'm quiet. It's not like I am in an international boy band or something." I winked at him. "Anyways, can I just wear my pajamas over, honestly I am really tired.." I said. And it was the truth, I could fall asleep right now honestly... 

"Yeah of course!" He smiled. 

"Okay," I said. "I will be over right after I shower." I entered my apartment with my suitcase and walked in. Wow..... I had some arranging to do. Maybe after breakfast with Niall tomorow I could shop for some decorations. I first put the sheets I had packed onto my bed and a small blanket that I had ontop. Then I took my pillow and set it onto the queen bed as well. The apartment was not too large, but not too small. 

When you first walked in, an open kitchen with a bar/island was to the left in the corner. Then straight ahead was a large living area and to the right was a small hallway. It had 3 doors. One, my room, another, a bathroom and the third a small empty room that I could make into whatever I wanted. Hmmm.. Maybe I could make it a music room! I knew how to play tha piano and I would love to have one here. 

I set my suitcase on the ground in my room and I entered the bathroom to take a shower. 

I had always sung in the shower. It cleared my head. But this time it was different, because I was alone. I used to be afraid of my mom and dad hearing me.... I would get embarassed. But now, I was on my own. And it felt so good. 

But another part of me missed my parents terribly. And Ali too. And Caleb my little brother who was only 8 years old. I was actually starting to get a little home sick... wow.... 

My mom was not here to take care of me anymore.... WOW.... I loved my mom more than anything. 

My dad was always away on bussiness trips. He wasn't really around. So usually it was just me and my mom. When I was ten, she had Caleb and my father was barely home for him so I practicly raised the kid with my mom... But when I was 12, my mom was diagnosed with cancer........ I was a mess..... 

I didn't know what to do with myself. 

I stopped talking to my friends. My grades dropped. I sometimes missed school becuase my mom was always at the hospital......

I flew those thoughts away.. She was better now. The cancer had come and gone as I grew up but she was cleared now. But part of me felt guilty for leaving my mom..... 

I needed this though. My old life wasn't full of adventure or anything exciting

I stepped out of the shower and blow dried my hair somewhat just so that it wasn;t dripping wet when I went over to Louis' apartment.  

I thew my wavy blonde/brown hair into a messy bun on the top  of my head and put on a navy tank top with the Notre Dame logo on it. I wore grey Victorias Secret 'PINK' sweats that were very comfortable. I

I was dreading this night more and more. I would much rather spend the evening here getting settled in. But no, I was in for a roudy night with 5 boys/.

      Knocking on Louis door I yawned. Within five seconds Louis opened the door. 

"FAYEE!!!" He yelled pulling me inside harshly.

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