Chapter 42: Turning the Tables

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YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER(: Thank you everyone for reading I love you all(: If you love this story please be sure to check out my other story- "Clever" Which is actually my favourite one at the moment. PLease VOTE! I put a lot of time and effort into my stories and all you have to do is click the button! Leave comments I love and I mean LOVE feedback(: It makes me want to write more! The more comments and votes and feedback I get, the faster the update!

Back to the story, hope you enjoy it(: 

-Camryn x

Faye's POV: 

This was it. I would have to give my speech in just a matter of seconds. 

It's different than the thousands of times I rehearsed into the mirror. The attitude I had when I was doing it was different. Because I was by myself, speaking to my mom really. Now I would be in front of all these people. And if I screw up, it will ruin everything. What will they think if I mess up? Will they think poorly of my mothers parenting, or myself. 

I re-read the first couple sentances on my notecards once again. 

Hello. Thanks for coming to honour my mother. I would like to start off my saying that she was a wonderful mother. She would light up every room. And I'm sure that all of you had a great effect in her life as she did everyone elses. We will always remember.....

I took a deep breath. 

My dad came over and patted my back. This was my time to go on. I took a deep breath. 

Then something crossed my mind. 

This speech is not for the people who are sitting in the church. This speech is for my mom. So I don't give a single flack if they don't like it. With one swift motion I tossed all my note cards into the garbage can, and walked onto the  stage positioning myself in front of the podium with the microphone. 

My dad gave me a questioning look as he saw me throw my note cards away. But I don't need them. 

"Hello." I started shakily. There was a picture of my mom sitting on the stand next to her coffin. "Thank you all for coming today, I'm sure my mom would be extremely happy." I took a deep breath. "But you know what? She is extremely happy. Why past tense? We say that they are always here with us yet we speak of them as if they are a past memory. So mom, thank you for always being a great impact on my life. You still are. I'll always be thinking of you. Until the day I die. You're the best mom I could have ever asked for, and I wish we had more time together because the moments we shared I will hold onto forever. People say I have your eyes." I smiled to myself. And suddenly, the rest of the church disappeared. I wasn't speaking to them. I was speaking to my mom. "You are the best and I am eternally greatful for having you in my life. Well, I mean you did create me so I guess I had no choice." I got laughter from some of the audience. "But what is death?" I spoke directly to the people now. "What does it mean? Because over and over again we are faced with it. A lot of times it is used as such a drastic action. A bit like the word forever. Because, nothing is really forever. And neither is the seperation from my mother and I. It isn't truely goodbye. We just won't be saying hello for a while." I concluded and stepped down from the podium. 

Claps filled the auditorium and I saw tears being shed. I wiped some of my own and walked over to my dad. Giving him the most emotion filled hug I had shared with him in a long time. 

"I've missed you." He spoke. 

"I've missed you too dad." I hugged him tight. I pulled away and he kissed my forhead and we smiled at eachother. 

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