Chapter 34: Reunited

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Faye's POV: 

I woke up to the sound of snoring. What the hell? 

I turned over, nothing. 

What in the- 

"OW!" Louis screamed as I stepped on him. 

He was curled up on the floor with one of my blankets and a pillow from the couch. 

This made me go into hysterics. And it all came rushing back to me. The previous  night. The tears. 

But most of all, the wonderful things Niall had said about me. 
I honestly can not believe he was mine.  

"Ahh, you're doing it again." Louis wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

"Doing what?!" I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one leg. 

"Thinking about Niall." He said. 

"What?" Okay, how the hell did he know that... "No I wasn't.." I lied trailing off. 

"Yes you were." He wagged his fingers at me. "You always smile like that when you are thinking about Niall. I can see it in your eyes. And same for him too." 

I felt my cheeks burn up. "Shut up." I said turning away to go get some breakfast. 

"Hey hey hey!" Louis grabbed my arm. "Sit down. We are not done with this conversation." He smirked. 

"What conversation?" 

"This one we are about to have, now sit." He pointed to the bed. I did as I was told. "Now, I didn't want to ask you this yesterday, because well.. You had enough on your mind." He pondered for a moment. 

Curiousity began to eat at me. 

"Just spit it out Lou!" 

"Fine!" He held his arms up in surrender. "Well, I thought you and Niall were in a 'fight'." He used finger air quotes on the word fight. "I thought you were taking a break..." He trailed off. 

Oh shit. 

Niall and I had been distant in front of everyone lately, in order to stick to the plan. 

"About that...." I started not knowing how to approach the situation. 

"Go on." He ushered me. 

"Well, we aren't... We are better than ever actually." I said. The look of confusion on Louis' face was priceless. He was about to interject when I said, "Let me finish first please." He nodded. 

I told him all about going to the doctor, and how it was revealed that someone had spiked my drink, and why we thought it was Stella. And how we believed someone, most likely Stella, had set up for another girl to kiss Niall and get a picture, and how we were waiting to see if it was here or not. So, we were making her think her 'plan' was working. However, it really wasn't. 

He just nodded. "I guess I understand..." 

"Good. Now you can not tell anyone." I said. 

"For now. But if I find out that it really was Stella who spiked your fucking drink, and tried to sabatosh my best friends' relationship, there is no sympathy." 

I chuckled but the look on his face showed he was dead serious. I ruffled his hair. "C'mon Louis, let's go eat." 



"Do you want to be late to see your boyfriend? I know how you girls are and we leave in 30 minutes." Louis said tapping his watch. 

Reasons Why (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang