Chapter 22: Perfect is a Understatement

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Faye's POV: 

Tomorrow I was leaving to go visit home and my mom... I really didn't want to though, I was afraid I would loose it and I was really enjoying my new life here in London.... I really did miss my famiy though! But .. this wasn't exactly the reason for going back I was looking for. 

I was packing my suitcase when I heard a knock at my door. 

I walked over and opened it to find my favorite irish boy. I felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards just seeing him. 

He smiled at me and came into my apartment. 

"Hey Niall. I am just finishing up some packing!" I said. I tried to sound cheerfull but I was really upset....

"Look Faye... I was wondering if we could go on our date tonight. Before you leave tomorrow.." Niall said smiling slightly. A grin painted its way on my face. I nodded. 

"Okay sounds good. Fancy or casual or in between?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. 

"In between, wear a dress but not like you know, a prom dress. Does that make sense?" He asked. 

I nodded and chuckled. I knew exactly what to wear. 

"So none of my millions of pairs of sweats?" I winked at him and he chuckled wrapping his arms around my waste. 

"None of your millions of pairs of sweats." He whispered kissing my forehead. I got tingles and warmth and electricity shot through my entire body.. Man if I felt this way just because he kissed my forhead and hugged me.. I was in trouble....

I giggled and heard him chuckle. 


I was already for the date. I was wearing a cream colored dress that came down to my mid theigh. The top half was lacy an when it got to my waiste the rest was solid color. I added a long-chained necklace to perfect the look. (there should be a picture on the side of her outfit--->.... if there isn't... sorry I am still trying to figure out this whole picture adding thing :\ ) 

My long dark blonde hair was curled loosely and it tumbled down untill just under my chest. Now for my makeup.... Here we go...

I did not like my face. My nose was to weirdly rounded and annoying... My eyes weren't bright and blue like I wished they were... They were green and sometimes even grey! Who wants that?! My face wasn't as clear as I wished it was... There were a couple freckles on my nose but not really noticible..

I applied some earth tones of eyeshadow, nothing too loud, and a couple layers of mascara. And thats all the makeup I did. I didn't really use bronzer, blush or lipstick really at all. I didn't want to look fake. I liked looking natural.

Finally, I moved to my shoes... I was debating between my 2 inch Tory Berch wedges, or my white tall pumps... 

Hmm... I think I would like to be able to walk tonight so I chose the Tory Berch wedges.. I had only worn the tall pumps once... It was awful! I ended up carrying my shoes... I don't even know why I brought them to London.. I mean yeah, they were cute but I never wore them! 

I was so nervous for this date. I mean, I hadn't really gone on a lot of dates.....

There were two guys that I had dated before this. 

Chris... And Jake...... Both total douchebags. 

Both cheated on me. 

Both tried to get in my pants. But don't worry, I didn't let them. No way. 

Reasons Why (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon