Get What He Deserves

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Miles stopped his car outside of Phoenix's apartment and smiled lightly. "Why don't you come to my place tonight?" He asked. "We could speak more like we used to."

Phoenix looked at him with surprise before he nodded. He felt happy that Miles wanted to actually be around him now.

"What time should I be there?" He asked with a giant smile.

"Around eight." Miles responded with a nod. "We could possibly eat dinner. What would you like to eat?"

"Maybe we could have some pasta?" Phoenix suggested nervously.

"That sounds like a great idea, Phoenix." He said with a gentle smile. "I'll see you then."

"See you then!" Phoenix said. Miles gave him a small nod before pulling out and leaving.

When the car disappeared, Phoenix realized he had some questions. Did he need to bring anything special? What type of clothing should he wear? He was questioning himself a great deal lately and Miles certainly wasn't helping. He couldn't stop thinking about everything Miles did and said. The way he smiled, the way he rolled his eyes and scowled... and his eyes. His unbelievably beautiful eyes. Phoenix couldn't stop thinking about him. He didn't know why he couldn't stop thinking about him.

"I really need to stop..." he mumbled to himself. "I don't want to make him uncomfortable tonight by staring at him."

Phoenix stopped and pulled a face when he realized he was talking to himself. He shook his head and huffed. He didn't want to sound weird to people passing by.

He quickly went into his apartment and shut the door behind him, wanting to figure out what he was going to wear before it got too late. He didn't want anything too dressy, but he also wanted to avoid dressing casual. Knowing Miles, he would probably feel out of place dressed casually. He also felt the urge to impress Miles with his outfit.

He knew exactly what he could wear.


Miles tapped his fingers on his table as he watched the clock. He was frowning and his eyebrows were drawn close together.

"Tsk. Thirty minutes late..." he mumbled as he checked his watch like it would be different from the clock on his wall. He stood up and began pacing in front of the door, suddenly concerned if he had frightened Phoenix out of coming. Maybe Phoenix hadn't even wanted to come in the first place. He bit his tongue at the thought and glanced at the clock again. The top few buttons of his burgundy shirt were undone at some point ten minutes ago when he had convinced himself the room was hot. He continued to look around and tidy things to distract himself from his doubts.

He checked the clock again and let his shoulders slump. He felt foolish and hurt.

"He's not coming," He said quietly. Phoenix was over an hour late and Miles had no doubt that he wasn't coming. It was obvious. "How could I have thought he would actually come?"

He looked at the pasta he had made and bit the inside of his cheek. Maybe someone at the office would want some. There was bound to be people there, especially since it was only 9:16. He sighed before deciding to wait a little longer. Phoenix could just be really late.

Before he realized it, it was midnight. Miles had finally lost that inkling of hope that he had earlier. Phoenix wasn't coming. He wasn't going to this late either. The pasta was cold and Miles had finally accepted the truth. He was an idiot for thinking Phoenix wanted to talk with him or even be around him on his own time. Miles was finally willing to open up to someone, but now that was gone. Phoenix hadn't actually cared about what Miles had felt. He had cared about how Miles had saw him. He was obsessed with how others viewed him. That had to be why he talked with him, right?

Miles hated that he was upset by this. He shouldn't be upset just because Phoenix decided to not come to a stupid dinner that really wasn't all that important in the first place. He loathed how happy he had been when Phoenix had agreed to stop by. He could tell how idiotic he had been. He had just been looking forwards to not being alone at dinner for once.

He suddenly didn't feel well and all he wanted to do was sleep. Today had been draining. Miles had thought that maybe, after his and Phoenix's talk, that he would enjoy the day. Instead, he was left alone and hurting because he was a gullible fool. His hopes for the day had been shattered.

Miles knew that tomorrow he was going to be in a shitty mood. He decided that he didn't care if he made anyone upset with him or if he began to revert back to the old Miles. He just wanted a pressure free day from himself. Gumshoe would most likely be the receiving end of him lashing out, but if by God Phoenix shows up at his office all Hell would break loose. He would be relentless to the man for making him feel so utterly stupid and hopeful. He wasn't a stranger to holding grudges and being petty.

Phoenix Wright was going to get what he deserves if he dares show his face to Miles.

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