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Miles sat up and groaned as he stretched.
"Sleeping on the couch truly isn't good for my back..." he mumbled.

"Well, maybe next time you could sleep in the bed," Phoenix said.

Miles' head snapped towards the other man as he blinked, not knowing how to respond.

Phoenix suddenly went red and shook his head.

"I-I mean I'll take the couch-"

"It's alright," Miles said. He couldn't help but chuckle as he stood up. "And I'm fine with your couch since it's only an every now and then situation."

Phoenix didn't say anything in response and instead went back to what he was doing. He had been making Miles some tea when he had woke up. He hoped it was the right kind, but then again he didn't drink tea often and this was the only kind he owned. He only looked up again when Miles walked up next to him, carelessly- and gracefully- leaning against the counter.

"Hey," Phoenix said awkwardly. "I made you some tea."

Miles smiled and poured himself some tea.

"Thank you," he said. He paused before taking a sip of the tea. His eyes widened and he gagged before making himself swallow the tea. He grimaced. "It's... delicious."

"Really?! I was hoping you'd like it even if it isn't what you normally drink," Phoenix said as he beamed.

Miles didn't have the heart to tell him the truth, so instead he put the tea down.

"It's a bit hot," Miles said as an explanation. Phoenix seemed satisfied with that response and sat down on the couch. He looked back at Miles expectantly.

Miles paused for a moment before sitting down next to him, relaxing a bit. Phoenix's place felt cozy and warm to him. It was comforting in a way. He had never felt comfortable in someone else's home before, yet here he was lounging on the couch in a small apartment that belong to his rival. He decided that it couldn't get much better than this. He was finally beginning to let his mind wander off when Phoenix piped up, ruining the soft feeling he had.

"What are you going to do about O'Weigh? He dropped me as his attorney because I backed you up, so I think it's only fair you tell me the game plan," Phoenix said.

"Ah, are you sure he didn't drop you because you started to doubt him and realize that he was a horrible old man?" Miles raised a brow.

"Stop avoiding the question," Phoenix said with a small poke to Miles' side. "C'mon, if he's going down I want to help. I want to make up for all the things I said and accused you of while working on this case."

Miles didn't respond immediately. He just watches Phoenix as if he was going to suddenly change his mind. "Fine. Gumshoe found security footage of one of the crimes and I was able to convince some people to testify against him. His alibi crumbled when his friends caved to the pressure. He's going down, Wright."

"I'm glad," Phoenix said quietly. "I really am. I'm actually glad he dropped me. I don't think I'd be able to handle letting a piece of shit like him walk free. You know, he really thinks you're after the women in your office."

Miles and Phoenix both laughed at this, knowing how ridiculous it was. Miles couldn't help but smile a bit more when he remembered that Phoenix had believed the old man. At the time, he had been pissed beyond belief, but he realized now he should've seen that coming. Phoenix, no matter how brilliant he is, could be a bit gullible and dense at times.

"I still can't believe he accused me of such a thing," Miles said quietly.

Phoenix stopped and looked at Miles. His smile was beautiful. Phoenix wished that Miles would smile more often. He felt it warm his heart. He had made him happy.

"Out of everything he's done, that's the surprising one?" Phoenix asked.

"I suppose after his goons jumped me, I shouldn't be surprised by what he does-"

"What?!" Phoenix's eyes widened. "I thought it was random- why didn't you tell me?! Why did you keep that secret?!"

Miles hadn't really meant to let that slip. The truth is, he didn't know why he had kept it a secret. He wasn't sure as to why he refused to tell Phoenix who had been behind it.

Phoenix watched Miles as the man stopped reacting and stared at nothing. His annoyance and anger immediately melted into worry. He knew Miles didn't like talking about personal things and he knew Miles didn't want people to think that someone like O'Weigh could get to him, but he didn't know he'd let the man send people to beat and rob him without saying anything.

"Miles?" Phoenix placed a hand on his knee.

"I... I didn't want you to worry any more then you already were. If it appeared random, it would appear that it wouldn't be likely to happen again," Miles said quietly.

"Has it happened again?" Phoenix asked, squeezing his knee.

"No, it hasn't."

Phoenix let go of Miles' knee and sighed quietly. If he had just know, he wouldn't have let Miles walk alone at night. He didn't want him hurt. But maybe Miles knew that. Maybe he didn't want to appear defenseless to Phoenix.

"That's... That's good," Phoenix mumbled. "If anything happens again or if you even think you may be in danger, my door is always open. I also wouldn't mind accompanying you on your walks."

"I don't need protection-"

"It's more for me. I just want to be able to know that you're alright when you're out," Phoenix said. He saw Miles smile at this and relaxed.

"Very well. You may accompany me on my walks at night, but I must warn that it can get cold." Miles was looking up again. He was relieved that Phoenix wasn't pissed at him.

"I have jackets, Miles. I'll be fine." Phoenix chuckled lightly when he rolled his eyes.

"I'm... Im glad you want to join me," Miles admitted. "It'd be good to have someone to walk with. It would do me some good to get out more as well."

"Then it's settled, after work, I'll go to your house and then we can go on a walk. Alright?"


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