Change the Subject

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"I need to speak to Mr. Edgeworth," Phoenix said as the woman at the security desk looked at him.

"Of course. Is there anyone else you ever come to see?" She asked with a light chuckle.

Phoenix looked at her for a moment before sighing lightly. She wasn't wrong.

"What's wrong Mr. Wright? You seem... upset," she said gently. "Are you and Mr. Edgeworth fighting?"

"Sort of... Well, we haven't started fighting yet but I know it's coming." Phoenix shook his head lightly.

"Oh, I know how that is."

There was a few seconds of silence.

"Who the hell was she anyways?" He suddenly asked himself.

"Oh... Oh no... I am so sorry Mr. Wright. I had no idea he was- I thought that it was maybe a normal fight-" She didn't think that he'd cheat on someone.

"Who the hell is who, Wright?" Miles crossed his arms and raised a brow at the two. He wasn't wearing a mask and he seemed to be better again.

The woman looked between the two and began to back away.

"I'll, uh-"

"No worries, Penny. We're going to speak in my office," he gave her a small bow before signaling for Phoenix to follow. "I assure you everything is fine. We won't fight, Penny, so there is no need for the worried look."

She quickly nods and begins to type away at her computer.

"So," Phoenix started quietly as they entered the stairwell. "You and Mr. O'weigh don't get along?"

He huffed at Miles' amused look and stopped walking up the stairs.

"Answer me Miles!" he was getting annoyed.

"No. We don't get along at all, but I thought you already knew that." He was still walking.

Phoenix started moving again so he could continue their talk.

"You never mentioned that you slapped him!" Phoenix wanted a straight answer.

"I didn't? It must have slipped my mind." He said calmly.

"It slipped your mind? You hit him twice-"

"Wright," his voice was sharp. "I suggest you leave this alone... it has nothing to do with you." He sounded extremely seriously.

Phoenix watched him for a second before dropping it. He decided this should wait until they weren't in a stairwell anymore.

The prosecutor waited for a few more seconds before he began walking again. He didn't even look back to check if Phoenix was following, he could tell by his footsteps. He didn't want to talk to Phoenix about this so he decided to change the subject.

"So, Wright, anything interesting happen since the last time we spoke?" He asked quietly.

"Hm... Not really," Phoenix thought for a moment. "Pearl tried to set up a date for me again with Maya."

"Oh, you and Ms. Fey are together? I had no idea-"

"No no, Pearl just really wants us to be. I'm not... I don't like Maya like that. We're trying to get her to understand but I don't think she's getting the hints." Phoenix chuckled awkwardly.

"Children can be that way sometimes. They say the most outrageous things..." Miles flashed a smile at him. "...Are you interested in anyone? You just haven't mentioned anyone so I was curious- of course it's none of my business and you don't have to answer if you don't want to-"

"It's fine, Miles. And no, I'm not interested in anyone right now. I've been too busy with work to notice anyone," He said with a shrug. "What about you?" Phoenix asked. Maybe this was his chance to pry something out of Miles for the case. "Have you taken interest in anyone? There are some pretty women working here."

Miles stopped at his office door and seemed to be caught off guard by the comment.

Phoenix took this as a yes and decided to keep pressing.

"Miles, is there something you want to tell me?" He asked as they entered his office.

Miles coughed awkwardly and looked like he was searching for some excuse to change the subject.

"Come on Miles, it'll be easier if you told me now rather then later." Phoenix crossed his arms and leaned back.

"I-I haven't the slightest clue of what you're talking about." Miles turned away from him and bit the inside of his cheek. How had Phoenix found out? No one but Franziska knew! Had she told him? Miles sure as hell didn't tell anyone.

"Come on, I already know. There's no use in denying it anymore," Phoenix said pointedly.

Miles froze completely at that. He couldn't believe it. He inhaled deeply and turned to face Phoenix. He searched his eyes for a moment, trying to find any sign of disgust before exhaling.

"I... I suppose you're right... If you already know then there's no point in hiding it..." Miles looked away and grabbed his elbow.

"Precisely. So just tell me already," Phoenix smiled widely. Part of him was happy that his friend had found someone and part of him was relieved for a break in the case. "You can trust me. I won't tell anyone."

"Do you promise to not tell anyone?" He asked.

"Of course. I promise." Phoenix's smile softened. He felt a little guilty for tripping Miles up like this, but he couldn't help but be happy for him.

"Phoenix," he started slowly. "I... I'm gay."

Phoenix froze and his eyes widened. That hadn't been what he was expecting. Not at all.

If Miles was gay then his previous theory about what happened was wrong- no. This wasn't what he needed to think about right now. His friend just came out to him.

Miles watched Phoenix and began to shift in his place, slight panic welling in his chest. It was becoming increasingly clear to him that that wasn't what Phoenix had been talking about. Phoenix wasn't saying anything and that terrified him. The dread that was settling in him was becoming more and more difficult to squash down.

"I-I think you should leave." He said quickly.

Phoenix was opening his mouth to say something when the office door swung open.

"Mr. Edgeworth! We've got something!" Gumshoe blurted loudly.

Miles pushed past Phoenix and went straight to Gumshoe. They spoke to each other in a hushed tones before Gumshoe hurriedly ushered Phoenix out of his office.

"Wait- Gumshoe! I want to talk to him for longer-"

"Sorry pal, but you've gotta go. Mr. Edgeworth has something important to look at." Gumshoe was about to close the door on him.

"Can't I look at it too?"

"Absolutely no can do pal!" Gumshoe shut the door quickly.

Phoenix kicked the door before turning away. Gumshoe had a way of interrupting at all the wrong times. He should have been quicker with his words. Miles must think he hated him now. He felt awful for not saying anything.

Miles was gay. He had been so wrong about his friends involvement in the case. And he now realized his silence at the confession had made Miles think he disapproved. Why hadn't he said anything? Why hadn't he said anything?

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