Case Dropped

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Miles walked past Mr. O'Weigh's closed off office and narrowed his eyes. He crossed his arms and stopped, observing the outside of the office. No cameras. Of course that's what he expected... but that's not where the crimes happened. Little to the defenses knowledge, they just pulled footage of the crime in the act. There was no way in hell he was losing this case.

"Mr. Edgeworth," Payne greeted as he walked down the hall. Miles bit his lip and gave him a small nod. Payne stopped and looked at him. "That case you're working on... maybe you should hand it to me."

"Why would I do something as idiotic as that?" He asked. Miles wasn't amused nor did he want to play this game.

"Because," Payne smiles widely. "I think you being the prosecutor on this case will only bring it down."

"Is that so? We'll find out soon enough, won't we. Besides, it's better than putting a wistful janitor on the case. Go to school," Miles said before turning away from him.

"I heard Wright has a nasty trick up his sleeve. Keep an eye on him."


Phoenix say across from Ron O'Weigh as he listened to the jailed man ramble.

"Did you question him about miss Pretty? He's only doing this because I flirted with her! He thinks that because he's in love with her he can just slap me around!" Ron exclaimed.

"I somehow doubt that he likes this girl," Phoenix said. Maya was sitting silently next to him, judging him for still helping this man.

"He does! And I know because I saw em talking!" Ron said harshly.

"Phoenix... We could use that in court against the prosecution," Maya said quietly. No matter how much she didn't want to, she couldn't help but try to help Phoenix. "But I don't know if Edgeworth-"

"Who cares how that man feels about this?! He's nothing but a filthy liar!" Ron interrupted. "I've know that man for a long time and he thinks he's better than us. He sleeps around the office he does! Flirts with all the women and gets mad when I do it cause that bitch thinks he owns everyone because he's a whor-"

"That's enough!" Phoenix slams his hands down on the table and looks at him. He looked pissed. "Miles isn't like that! Stop lying to me!"

Phoenix felt like this situation was all too familiar and felt guilty once again. He had lied to Miles and here he was getting mad at a liar.

"I can't prove your innocence unless you tell the truth!"

"Oh dear god! He got to you too boy!" Ron practically jumped out of his chair. "Go get tested for som'thin! Who knows what he has! And I want a new lawyer! I was told you were the best in town and now this happens!" Ron storms out demanding for a new lawyer.

Phoenix stared at the empty space, winded. A client just walked out in him. That never happened. Never.

"I knew he was guilty..." Maya mumbled. "Are you okay Nick?"

"I'm fine. Just perplexed," he said quietly. "I guess we won't have to worry about this anymore then."

"No! We do! We have to watch the trial! We have to see what happens!" Maya insisted. "Please Nick! I want to see him go to jail!"

Phoenix looked at her before nodding. Maybe they were all right. He had been wrong. It felt like shit realizing you were wrong. Total shit.

"I can't believe that just happened," he said as they walked out of the building. "I... Wow..."

"We told you he was guilty," Maya said.

"We'll see what's said in court. We don't decide that anymore." Phoenix rubbed his eyes and sighed. He didn't want to admit he was wrong. Even he had an ego he didn't want bruised.


Howdy! I know this chapter is shorter than normal but I wanted to show that I am still writing despite my lack of posts. I'm giving a small taste of what is to come! This all happened after I got over my writers block and got personal time.

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