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Miles thanked Phoenix as he helped him painfully exit his car (which Franziska was driving). He was a bit apprehensive about taking the pain killers and decided that he would go for as long as possible without taking them.

"Careful, Miles," Phoenix said as Miles went to pick something up that had fallen on the ground.

"I'm fine, Wri-" he cut himself off and grit his teeth before standing up straight again. "Damn it."

"Your doctor said to take it easy and avoid bending down to pick things up," Phoenix said.

"Yes, Miles Edgeworth, your doctor wants you to be extra careful," Franziska said as she closed her car door. She walked over to them and looped her arm with Miles'.

"There is no need to team up on me," Miles said with a small glare. He sighed and mumbled a thank you as Phoenix picked up the dropped item and handed it to him. "I understand perfectly what the doctor told me."

"We know that," Phoenix said. "We just also happen to know that you do things your way and that you'll probably push yourself too far."

"I agree with the hedgehog on this one," Franziska retorted.

"Hey!" Phoenix glared at her as the other two laughed. "That's a bit harsh..."

Miles placed a hand on his shoulder. He was smiling. He was genuinely smiling. Phoenix couldn't help but smile as well when Miles patted his shoulder and walked ahead of them.

"Someone has a soft spot for my little brother," Franziska said with a small smirk. "I never expected Phoenix Wright to be interested in him."

"What are you talking about?" Phoenix sputtered, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

"So, I was right. Of course I was right- I always am," Franziska said. She knocked his shoulder with her own. "Don't worry, Phoenix Wright, I won't say anything. Only a fool would think of exposing someone else's feelings like that. Just don't wait too long that you miss your chance."

Phoenix didn't have time to respond before Franziska had ran to catch up with Miles. Was he really that obvious? And if he was, why hadn't Miles said anything? Or... did Miles notice and not say anything?

Then it hit Phoenix.

Miles was never good at picking up other people's emotions or social cues. It could just be that Miles was blissfully unaware.

"Are you coming, Wright?" Miles called. He had stopped walking to wait on Phoenix.

"O-Oh, yeah. Sorry." Phoenix hurried to catch up with the two before slowing his pace again.

"Are you alright?" Miles asked. "You don't have to stay with me if you aren't feeling well."

"I'm feeling fine. Plus, we already had this argument on the way here. I'm not leaving your side until the trial ends." Phoenix sighed when Franziska threw him a wink.

"I really do appreciate it, but-"

"But nothing, Miles Edgeworth," Franziska interrupted. She crossed her arms and tilted her head. "Only a fool would leave you alone. I'm not leaving either. The case is only in three days, so it won't be that bad."

Miles didn't say anything in response and just continued to walk. He didn't look angry. Just tired. Phoenix was worried about him. He knew the amount of stress Miles was under plus the men attacking him was a bit much, even for him. Then there was the things he wasn't telling Phoenix about that worried him even more. Miles didn't exactly have a healthy way of handling things other then taking a walk, and now he doubted Miles would even do that. He usually either worked himself to exhaustion or kept everything in him until it made him snap. He just wanted to relieve some of that stress and make sure he didn't have to look over his shoulder.

When they entered Miles' home, Phoenix couldn't help but feel sad. This place would be so lonely if he was there by himself. The furniture was lavish and everything was beyond fancy. It made Phoenix feel underdressed in what was supposed to be a house.

"You can put your coat on the coat rack," Miles said. He gestured toward where the coat rack stood in the corner of the doorway.

Time was going to move at snails pace. Phoenix could tell.


It was late. Extremely late. Franziska had left a few hours earlier to go to a meeting and ended up calling to say that she was spending the night in the city over.

Phoenix really hadn't been asleep. He had a lot on his mind and he couldn't get to sleep.

He looked up when someone else entered the room. Miles didn't say anything as he sat down next to him.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Phoenix asked.

"No. As selfish as it may be, I'm glad you're awake," Miles said quietly. "I do not want to be alone."

"Is everything okay?" Phoenix asked, suddenly concerned. His concern turned to confusion when Miles chuckled.

"Yes, everything is okay," Miles said with a small smile. "I just... I'm not sure, but I just felt like speaking with you. If that's okay with you, of course."

"Of course it's okay!" Phoenix said with a small laugh. "I'm always happy to talk with you. You brighten my day every time we talk."

Phoenix couldn't help but smile as Miles turned his head away in attempt to hide his blush. Maybe Miles did feel the same way about him. Phoenix decided to test his theory.

"Not to mention how much I like seeing your beautiful eyes when we talk," Phoenix said as he raised a brow. His smile only grew as Miles became flustered and fidgety. He could just barely see the smile on Miles' face, mostly hidden by his bangs now. Phoenix hesitated before building up his confidence and reaching over. He gently tilted Miles' face to look at him.

"Wright..." Miles trailed off, but he made no move to pull his head away.

Miles' heart felt as if it had stilled before beating again as his breath slowed.

"Y'know, you can call me Phoenix," he said.

"I..." Miles glanced at his lips and realized they had both leaned in closer. He didn't say anything else. His voice wouldn't allow it.

Phoenix paused for a moment, just looking at Miles. He looked beautiful, even in the dark. The graceful air he held only became more apparent now that he was studying him. His heart swelled and beat rapidly as he looked at Miles. He let his eyes close as he slowly leaned in closer.

Phoenix closed the gap between them and kissed Miles. He half expected Miles to push him away, but the other man kissed him back. Sparks flew and Phoenix felt as if he had world in this moment.

Miles felt the same way. He felt as if he was melting. His mind was numb and the only thing he could feel was joy and the gentle way Phoenix was holding his face.

The two pulled away and they slowly opened their eyes. Miles took a deep breath before pulling his head away and looking the other direction.

"I haven't... Not since Michael..." Miles slowly lifted his hand and touched his own lips. He couldn't believe it. He and Phoenix just kissed and he wanted to kiss him again, despite how terrifying that thought was to him. When Phoenix placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, Miles couldn't help but kiss him again. He smiled as Phoenix kissed him back before pulling away again. He wrapped his arms around Phoenix and pulled him into a hug. It was his way of saying thank you.

Everything felt so perfect. Miles would never forget this moment.

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