Sushi Slumber

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Gumshoe hummed proudly to himself as he stood in the elevator, holding a little bag of food. He had decided to get Miles something since he knew the man would probably forget to eat as most of the people in that building did during a stressful case. He had gotten him some sushi, knowing the man's more refined taste. He also knew he probably wouldn't notice if some of it was missing. He had gotten a little peckish on the way back to work.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that he did something good for his friend and that made him happy. He just knew Miles would be thankful for this! How could he not? His best friend Detective Dick Gumshoe got him food! That's how Gumshoe viewed it anyways.

He knocked on the door before swinging it open with a cheery call. "Mr. Edgeworth! I brought you some sushi! ...Mr. Edgeworth?"

He tilted his head and looked around the office, trying to see where Miles was. He then noticed him lying on the couch sleeping semi-peacefully.

Miles was stretched out on the couch with one hand resting lightly on his stomach and the other lifted above his head, his arm slightly bent. One of his legs was bent, moving his knee into the air. It was still odd to Gumshoe that someone could seem so graceful when sleeping. He glanced down and noticed his shoes placed carefully beside the couch and decided to put his food down next to them.

Gumshoe was getting ready to leave when he heard his name being called. He blinked in surprise and turned back to Miles. His eyes were now open and he was moving to sit up.

"Sir, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just thought I'd drop off some food for you since you forget to eat sometimes and-"

"Detective, it's alright... You didn't wake me, the creek of my door did. I really should get that fixed," Miles seemed half awake. "And thank you for bringing me something. You really didn't have to."

"I was happy to do it Sir! Especially after the raise I got! It was pretty big if I do say so myself." Gumshoe beamed at him as Miles rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Well, thank you. Next time I will pay for the both of us... Does that sound fair?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, sure thing Mr. Edgeworth... are you feeling alright? You seem kind of..." Gumshoe trailed off, trying to think of the right word. Nice...? Nah.

"I am fine, Gumshoe. I'm just extraordinarily tired. I haven't been getting much sleep lately due to this case among some other... problems that I am currently dealing with." Miles looked away and refused to meet the detectives eyes.

"Okay sir. But tell me if you need anything and I'll be on it in a double!" Gumshoe smiled widely.

Miles looked at him for a second longer before he picked up the bag with his food in it.

"Detective, would you like some of it? I doubt I'm going to finish this later." He motioned to the now opened food container, expecting him to take some.

"I'm fine sir! I ate a good meal already," Gumshoe explained.

Miles nods and places the food to the side, earning a confused look from Gumshoe.

"I'm not hungry at the moment... I'll eat it later-"

"But sir, you should really eat now. You'll forget and then not eat at all." Gumshoe crosses his arms.

"I'm not going to argue with you about this-"

"Then eat." Gumshoe looked at him for a second before shrinking back. He then added quickly, "Please."

"You're starting to sound like Wright. Always fussing over trivial things such as this. I said I'll eat it in a moment so I'll eat it in a moment. I shouldn't have fallen asleep and now I've fallen behind so I need-"

"But sir!" Gumshoe argued sternly. Miles glared at him, clearly annoyed about being interrupted once again. "If you don't want to argue about this then eat now."

Miles opened and closed his mouth a few times before mumbling to himself and opening his food again. He slowly began to eat, glancing at Gumshoe every now and then. The detective was smiling widely at him as he finally ate.

He hated to admit it, but he had been hungry. He hadn't realized it until he had started eating and before he knew it, the sushi was gone.

Miles bit the inside of his cheek lightly and looked away from Gumshoe. He knew the look Gumshoe was giving him and couldn't stand to see it.

"I think... I think I should get back to work now," he said after a few minutes of silence.

"Of course sir! I'll stop by later if I find anything else!" Gumshoe left shortly after.

"Right... work..."


Miles leaned back in his chair and inhaled deeply. His work day was nearly over and he was ready to go home.

He knew he'd be prepared when court rolled around like he always was, but he was more attuned to how frustrated Phoenix was getting with him. Maybe he realized he was wrong...

Miles' shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes as he collected his thoughts. He didn't want Phoenix to be upset with him but he also didn't want Phoenix to think that he could win by pulling at his heart. Why was it now of all times that Phoenix decided to be stubborn about a case? Especially since everyone seemed to know the man was guilty! Did he truly believe he was innocent? He shook his head. Phoenix was smarter than that... was something else going on? Why wouldn't he have told him?

"What a fool..." he muttered as he continued to think. Phoenix truly did believe that man was innocent and he had a feeling, the judge being who he is, that Phoenix would win due to baseless conjectures. Miles had to do something else. He knew what he had to do but was a little anxious to do it. He knew Franziska would be stubborn about this, but she would eventually agree to it.


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