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Miles smiled as he buried his head in the crook of Phoenix's neck. The court date was in five days, but he had overworked himself so Phoenix coaxed him into taking a break for a few hours. He was glad he had given into Phoenix's request. Miles enjoyed the feeling of Phoenix's arms around him as they lazed on the couch in silence. He wouldn't have gotten that if he had kept working.

Phoenix Wright was truly amazing.

The worries and fears he had about everything that could go wrong slowly melted away the longer Phoenix held him. It was nice and relaxing, unlike the absolute torture that paperwork was.

"I know our relationship is really new... but would you mind if I told people?" Phoenix asked as he played with Miles' hair.

"I don't mind at all, Phoenix," Miles assured him. He opened his eyes and smiled, moving his head to face Phoenix. He leaned down and kissed him before returning to his previous position. "They're your friends. If you want them to know, you can tell them."

Over the short time they've been together, Miles has allowed himself to open up more to Phoenix. He trusted the man greatly and there was no doubt in his mind that Phoenix had good friends. There was still just this lingering part of him that settled into unease when they did things like cuddling. In the back of his mind was the nagging fear that von Karma would catch them and hurt them. He knew it was irrational since the man was dead, but the feeling wouldn't go away. He'd have to talk to Phoenix about that later.

For now, he just wanted to stay in the security of his arms where he was protected from the outside world and the impending court date. This case had thrown him into a frenzy, but he was able to relax for just a little bit. For just a little bit, he could pretend that it didn't exist.

"You know, we could stay here all day if you wanted to," Phoenix said, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.

"It's a kind offer, but I have an upcoming trial to prepare for."

"We both know you'll win. You only ever lose against me," Phoenix mumbled sleepily.

"Thanks for that, Wright. I appreciate being reminded of my failure," Miles said, pressing a small kiss to his neck. "Hmm..."

"I can't help that I'm amazing," Phoenix teased. Miles moved to face him again.

"I call it dumb luck."

"I don't believe in luck, so ha." Phoenix but back a laugh at Miles' raised brow as he stared at him.

"Really? How can you not? If it hadn't been for luck, you'd probably be dead," Miles pointed out. "I'm glad you aren't dead, but still."

"That's just me being awesome." Phoenix leaned up and kissed him before laying his head back down.

"As if," Miles said. He chuckled and got up, stretching to pop his back. He couldn't help but smile as Phoenix whined quietly.

"You're going back to work already?" He complained.

"Phoenix, the trial is in five days. I need to prepare. I promise we can... do whatever that was-"


"Right, cuddle, after I'm done with work." Miles ruffled Phoenix's hair before grabbing his keys. "Have a good evening, Phoenix."

Phoenix was going to respond, but Miles had already walked out the door and shut it behind him. Damn. He'd really have to coax him away from work after the trial.

Phoenix laid back down and closed his eyes, allowing himself to finally sleep.

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