Franziska von Karma

221 11 12

Maya scrambled for her phone and shakily opened it before calling an ambulance. She looked around and got on her knees as fear and worry struck her heart again.

"Oh my god," she repeated. Maya wiped her eyes as she began to cry. "Oh my god."

Maya shook her head as she picked her phone up again and called Phoenix.

"Hey, Maya!" He answered nearly immediately.

"N-Nick," she sobbed. She tried to continue but she couldn't force the words out of her throat.

"Maya? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Phoenix rushed. Fear was evident in his voice.

"A-An ambulance is o-on its way. E-Edgeworth, h-he's hurt," she finally managed to say. "It's bad. It's really really bad."

"What? What happened- where are you?" He asked. Maya heard the door close through the phone.

"J-Just meet us at the hospital." Maya could hear the approaching sirens approaching growing louder. She didn't wait for Phoenix's response before hanging up. Her ears began to ring as she stared at Miles' pale body. He looked dead. She would have thought he was too if there wasn't an ever so slight rise and fall in his chest. His breathing was uneven though and something was clearly wrong.

Maya blinked a cried as she watched medics load him into the ambulance and didn't stop when she got in the back as well.


Phoenix huffed breathlessly as he hurried into the hospital. His eyes immediately landed on Maya. She was staring at the ground and any hint of a smile had been wiped clean off her face. He walked over to her and sat down.

"Maya," he said quietly. She looked at him and wiped her eyes. "What happened?"

"I-I found him on the secret trail that leads to that small waterfall I go to," she said. She wiped her eyes again before hugging him. "H-He was trying to move but he just passed out. He was so bloody and bruised a-and I didn't know what to do."

Phoenix felt his stomach drop and worry began eating away at him. He gently hugged her back, unable to say anything.

"Edgeworth family?" A nurse called from the door. Maya and Phoenix stood up and immediately walked over.

"How are you two related to Mr. Edgeworth?" The woman asked as she scribbled something down on her notes.

"Uh, well-"

"Him and Miles are boyfriends and I'm his cousin," Maya said quickly. She felt relieved when the woman nodded.

"Right this way," she said. She began leading them down the hall to where Miles was. "Now, I want to warn you that Mr. Edgeworth isn't awake quite yet. We had to give him a lot of pain killers after he woke up the first time and they wiped him out. He has a few broken ribs and, luckily, nothing life threatening occurred. He'll be okay, but we're giving him prescription painkillers while his ribs heal."

Phoenix was hardly listening as he stared at Miles. He was extremely bruised and battered and his skin was pale. There were multiple bandages wrapping different parts of his body and on his head from where Phoenix assumed he was bleeding.

"Thank you," Phoenix said quietly as he walked towards Miles. He glanced at the heart monitor before sitting down in the chair next to his bed. "Can we... Can we have some time alone?"

"Of course, sir," the nurse said. "I'll be back for a check up later." With that, she left.

Phoenix just stared at Miles, not saying another word as he processed what he was looking at. He reached out and held Miles' hand gently. He couldn't believe it. It happened again and he hadn't been there to help. He had just been so tired and he hadn't expect Miles to go walking on his own again.

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