A "Crush"

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Phoenix couldn't help but get angry with Miles. He just couldn't understand- no, he didn't want to understand the fact that his client was innocent. Not to mention that Maya and Pearl were on Miles' side.

...Maybe he was wrong...? No. He had to believe in his client. That's all he had.

He sighed heavily and looked to the window. He and Miles had fought again over the case. Miles seemed genuinely upset only at the fact that Phoenix didn't seem to trust him. But Phoenix did trust him, he just didn't think Miles was right and didn't fully believe that Miles was- oh god. It really sounded like he didn't trust Miles. He did- he knew he did! Small frustration over a case wouldn't change that and he really hoped Miles knew that. If Miles didn't think Phoenix trusted him, did Miles trust Phoenix?

Phoenix felt his stomach twist at the thought. He didn't like to think that Miles didn't trust him. He thought back to when Miles had been in his house and bit his tongue gently. He had been thinking back to then a lot lately.

Miles had opened up to him and had let him see and hear his pain. He had trusted Phoenix with himself and had cried into his chest. It was the most emotion he had ever seen from Miles and it hurt that it was sadness and anger. It didn't hurt Phoenix because those were what he chose to show, it hurt because his friend was hurting.

Miles' questions kept repeating in his head. 'Am I a bad person?' He knew Miles wasn't a bad person. He also knew that Miles was still struggling with himself. He knew Miles didn't fully believe him, but he could tell he had helped a little bit.

He couldn't help but smile when he thought about how awkward Miles had seemed wearing something so casual. Or maybe it was the fact that they were Phoenix's clothes. Maybe it was both. Either way, he thought it was some what cute. He couldn't imagine possibly being comfortable in anything Miles would have given him to wear so who knows how he had felt. Maybe he could convince Miles to come back over some day and accidentally lose track of time. He'd obviously offer for the other man to stay the night again and offer him some clothes and then they could actually enjoy themselves together instead of Phoenix worrying over how badly a few men had hurt Miles. He could get them some wine to drink- did Miles even drink wine? He looked like he would. He would have to ask. They could talk like normal people for once and not have to worry about people bothering them. Then they could curl up on the couch together and lean on each other...

Phoenix shook his head as his cheeks went pink. He needed to stop that train of thought immediately before it derailed into something else. He cleared his throat and stood up, grabbing a water bottle.

He didn't notice the odd look Maya was giving him from across the room as he began to pace. He didn't mean to let his mind wander again, but it was hard not to with how little sleep he had been getting. He stopped pacing as he thought about the possibilities that could come out of Miles spending the night again. His cheeks turned pink again as he continued to think. He bit his bottom lip lightly. All of his thoughts were innocent of course, but he was noticing a small pattern of closeness in the thoughts. He knew Miles wasn't the one for showing much affection to even his closest friends but he still wanted that closeness.

"Who are you thinking about Nick?" Maya suddenly asked. He jumped in surprise and turned to look at her with wide eyes.


"You're as red as a strawberry! Who's the lucky girl?" Maya asked with a teasing tone. "I mean, obviously you're crushing hard because-"

"I'm not crushing on anyone Maya." Phoenix rushes his sentence. "I'm just thinking about some things that embarrassed me as a kid."

"Oh come on Nick! You can tell me!"

"I don't have a 'crush' on anyone." Phoenix smiled and tried to show that he was being honest.

"You better not like anyone else," it was Pearl. He hadn't even known she was here. "If you betray Mystic Maya I'll- I'll... I'll punch you!"

"Guys, I don't like anyone like that! I promise! I was just thinking of something, honestly." Phoenix was trying to assure himself of this as well.

"Fine." Maya huffed and sat down, crossing her arms. "But if I get wind of a potential girlfriend I want to be told immediately."

"So do I!" Pearl said gleefully. Though, she wanted know for a completely different reason then Maya.

Phoenix rolled his eyes and smiled widely at the two.

"Of course I'd tell you. But, unfortunately, there isn't anyone like that for me right now." Phoenix watched Maya's expression deflate.

"But Mr. Nick! How can you say that?! Mystic Maya is right there!" Pearl stomped her foot.

"Pearly, Nick and I don't like each other like that." Maya was gentle as she once again tried to explain that they weren't in love or anything of the sorts.

"Fine." Pearl snapped angrily. "Have fun being lonely Mr. Nick!"

Phoenix and Maya couldn't help but laugh at the child as she stormed off into a back room angrily. Maybe she would finally accept the fact that the two wouldn't get together.

"You aren't going to be alone forever Nick," Maya assured him with a smile. "You'll find someone."

"Ah, yeah..." he trailed off and smiled awkwardly. "I'm sure I will. But for now I'm going to focus on work."

Maya rolled her eyes. "You aren't going to win this one Nick. You've lost the past few cases against him. And a few before that-"

"That doesn't mean I'll lose this one!"

"But all of them have something in common," she ignored him. "They all ended up actually being guilty. They even admitted it to you after their verdict! He has a strong case with this and everyone seems to be on his side."

Phoenix sighed lightly. "I know... But we have to believe in our client. Mia said that's all we had with our clients is trust."

Maya looked down and nods before smiling widely at him. She nods and leans against the wall.

"You're right. Let's go to court and kick their butts!" She cheered. "But when he ends up being guilty, you have to buy me food for a month."

"Fine. And we will win when court come around. For now, we have paperwork and investigations to do."

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