Living With Manfred von Karma

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Warning: Homophobia


"Papa, Miles taught me how to climb a tree today!"

"Franziska, I am busy. Don't bother me with worthless information."

Franziska huffed lightly and crossed her arms. She didn't dare defy her father though. It would only end badly if she did. So, the young German girl turned and left his room before skipping down the stairs to where Miles was sitting in the living room.

"He didn't care, did he." It wasn't a question. Miles didn't even look up from what he was writing to look at her.

"He did," Franziska said. "He didn't say so but he did. He hesitated before speaking and glanced away."

Miles stopped and looked up at her. His eyes flashed with curiosity and slight apprehensiveness as he processed what she had just says.

Franziska watched him closely before crossing her arms like her father and Miles did sometimes and puffed out her cheeks, hoping to look threatening. It didn't work but Miles didn't have the heart to tell her that.

"Is there something you're not telling me Miles? Just because you're twelve doesn't mean you can keep things from me-"

"Fran... can... do... do you want to go outside and play?"

"And what kind of sentence formation was that?" Von Karma's voice cut through the air, causing both children to jump slightly.

"I am sorry," Miles said as he stood up and lowered his head slightly in a small bow. "I'm just tired from all of the work I've been doing-"

"Von Karma's don't make such foolish excuses. You should know as much."

"Of course, Mr. von Karma. I shall do better next time," Miles responded.

Von Karma nods before glancing at Franziska.

"You said he taught you how to climb a tree, correct?" He asked.

Her eyes lit up and sparkled, overjoyed that he had noticed and listened. She felt like she had finally gotten him to praise both her and her brother.

"Yes Papa," she responded.

"Tsk, pathetic. You should have been able to teach yourself. Who do you think taught Miles? He did himself. And to think he wasted his valuable time to climb a tree and then teach you how when he could have been working speaks greatly about how little he is committed to our family. How ungrateful that we took him in that he would neglect his work for a tree." Von Karma was looking at the two as if they had done something majorly wrong.

"I'm sorry Mr. von Karma, it won't happen again sir."


It was late at night and everyone was sleeping and in bed. Or they all thought the rest were.

Franziska was using all she had to not cry. It wasn't fair. Miles had once again proven he was better then her at something else. Not only that, but her father didn't seem to care that she had caught on so quickly.

She thought back to how happy she had been when Miles was congratulating and praising her for how well she had learned and scowled. What a foolish thing for her to do. Be happy at something so foolish and silly when her brother was supposed to be working.

Franziska froze slightly when she heard a voice being raised down the hall.

"Don't try to deny that you were trying to get out of your studies earlier! Not only that but you dared to drag my daughter into it!" It was her father.

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