Start from the beginning

                        Anthony took heavy breaths, as a voice said “I can watch that all day.” William was laughing, as Anthony and Sam began to laugh. Carly and Ted joined in the laughter, as Vivian looked saddened. “Hey” Anthony said, looking over at her. She looked at him, and he said “He’s going to be okay. I know it.” Vivian nodded, as she walked off. Anthony looked around at all of Melville, which now had several systems to help it out. Anthony smiled, as he put his arm around Sam, and they walked off.

(Cue Walking Dead Intro Music)


                        The car drove off down the road, as Hannah sat behind the wheel. She turned her head and looked at Jason, who had longer hair and a beard. He was looking out of the window, as she looked at Terry who sat in the backseat, with his eye closed, sleeping. His black eye patch rested on his right eye. “He doesn’t like it when you look at him” said Jason, who was looking over at her. “I know he doesn’t” said Hannah. “He doesn’t want anyone to look at him.” “He doesn’t even want his girlfriend to look at him” said Jason, looking back out the window. Hannah stared at him, before asking “What is going on with you?”

                          Jason stared at her and asked “What?” “You haven’t been doing good ever since” and then she just stopped talking. “Ever since we found out that Joseph is still alive” he said. “Yeah” said Hannah, looking back at the road. “Well” said Jason. “I’ve been feeling like this because I thought that my greatest fear was dead. But, a month ago we learned that he wasn’t.”

                           Hannah looked over at him and said “We don’t necessarily know he’s alive. We just found the car he was using. Besides, if he is alive, he’s long gone.” “You keep telling yourself that” said Jason, looking back out the window. She looked back out the windshield, before saying “You’ve got to do something about that hair?”

                          Jason smiled, before they both started to laugh. “I’m serious” she said. “You can’t do long hair, but, you can pull off a beard.” He smiled again, before he said “I was thinking of shaving it.” “No” said Hannah. “If you do, you won’t get all of those ladies.” He began to laugh again, as she just smiled. They then made it onto a highway, before Jason said “We’re almost there.”

                           As Anthony put fruit onto a white plate, Gwen walked out of their apartment, smiling. He spotted her, and looked frightened. “Hey sweetie” she said, as he walked over. “Hey honey” he said. “Did you, um, sleep alright?” “You know that I wanted to come pick them up” she said. “I know, I’m sorry” said Anthony. “But, you were on watch last night, so I wanted to let you sleep.” “You let Sam go” said Gwen. “He told me he almost died.” Anthony looked like he didn’t know what to say, but she began to laugh. “Don’t worry” she said. “I’m not mad.” Anthony sighed and said “Good.”

                        Gwen grabbed a white plate as she saw Sherri, with a very large stomach, be handed food by Jonathan. “I’ll be right back” he said, kissing her lips. She smiled, as he walked off. “How are you doing today?” Gwen asked. Sherri looked over at her and said “I’m fine. I feel like the baby is coming soon.” “Have any ideas about what it is?” Carly asked, approaching. Sherri smiled and said “Jonathan and Don think it’s a girl, but I think it’s a boy.” “How is Don today?” Vivian asked. Sherri looked at her, and sighed. “You know how he’s been since Luke” she said. “I’m just trying to make him feel better.” “He will” said Gwen, placing a hand on her arm.

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