Test Of My Patience

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Sorry for any mistakes :)


Sleeping in the car during a harsh winter night, cuddled close together and breathing each other's air sounds good in theory. Mostly it was nice until I woke up sticky with sweat and feeling sore all over. 

I quite literally peel myself from his sweaty body, stretching my aching arms above my head and rolling my neck in a circular motion to relieve the tension. I push my damp fringe from my face and rub the sleep from my eyes with the back of my hand.

I look around the car park that's slowly filling up with cars, seeing as it's probably mid-morning so people may get an early start on their grocery shopping. My gaze travels down to the sleeping boy who glistens with sweat laying next to me. His chest rises and falls slowly, his soft breathing being accented with quiet snores.

I reach my hand out to stroke his cheek lightly, his eyebrows creasing together as he stirs slowly from his sleep. I smile fondly as his eyelashes flutter to reveal the deep blue I've been missing. 

"Good morning," I whisper as his red-rimmed and swollen eyes land on me. 

"Hey," He responds with an even lower whisper. He looks away from me and peers around the parking lot. "We should probably leave," he says through a yawn. 

"Don't you want to talk about last night?" 

"Hand me my shirt" Louis clears his throat and reaches down to retrieve his jeans from the floor of the car.

"O-okay" I say confusedly, reaching over to the front seat and grabbing his shirt. He takes it from my hand, not even looking me in the eye and pulling it on over his head. 

"I think we should talk about-" 

"Let's get out of here" He yawns once more, sliding on his shoes and stepping out of the car. He pulls the blanket off of me and closes the door, throwing the blanket in the trunk moments later and climbing into the drivers side once he finishes. 

How can he be acting like this right now? After everything we talked about last night, he has the nerve to be distant from me? Is this because I told him I love him? Regardless, it's not right. 

"Are you coming up here?" he asks, putting the key into the ignition and starting the engine. 

"Yeah," I whisper, climbing over the center console. I settle into the seat and begin to slip on my clothes, Louis driving out of the car park and onto the empty street. 

"Feel like I need a shower, kinda sweaty" I say, looking over to him with a small smile, and he tries to match mine but the smile just doesn't reach his eyes. 

My mouth tastes quite foul, so I search my pockets for a stick of gum. Once I find the sugary gum, I break the piece in half and pop one half into my mouth. He looks over to me and I hold the gum to his lips, Louis taking it into his mouth from my fingers.

"We drove pretty far out here, is it gonna take a while to get back?" He nods once, flipping on his turn signal and turning onto the busy streets that'll lead us back. 

Patience. Patience is what he requires right now and I'll try and give it to him, but I need some effort. I carry on with small one-sided conversations, making light jokes and giving him the tootiest grin whenever he looks over at me through the corner of his eye. 

"You hungry?" He finally speaks for the first time since we've left the car-park nearly an hour ago. 

"Starving," I smile, rubbing my belly but he doesn't see the action because he won't look at me. 

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