You Sunshine, You Temptress (l.s)

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Dear anyone who stumbled across the fic: Please understand that this is the first fic I've ever written. This could crash and burn, or it could be something that I'm very proud of. I've planned out some things for these characters, but I know shit doesn't always go as planned, I'll learn as I go. :)

ALSO: I know this probably doesn't matter, but I chose this title because it's my favorite lyric from Fine Line, and it fits this story so well

If you have to yet to figure this out, THIS IS A LARRY STYLINSON FANFICTION. If that isn't your cup of tea, that's perfectly fine, just keep in mind that I don't really care and I will go down with this ship. 

Warnings and Disclaimers: 

Mentions, and acts of self-harm


Strong Language

Underage alcohol use



Mentions of r*pe, and sexual abuse: ( i promise you, I will put warnings before these scenes so if you're sensitive to things like this, you'll know in advance, and you can skip. The last thing I want is to upset someone)

Possible character death

Emotional, and verbal abuse

Those are the only warnings I have right now. If I eventually have to add more, I'll be sure to let you know:)

This fic will take place in the UK, I am American. I understand I could have made it take place in the states, but it wouldn't feel right for me to have a Larry fic take place in America. I will try to make it as accurate as possible, and I'll research things in order to get a better understanding (like how football works), but if there are any mistakes, please feel free to let me know so I can improve. 

One more thing, and then I promise I'll shut up. I don't really have an update schedule set in stone yet, but since we're in the middle of quarantine I have nothing but time. I'll let you know the schedule once I figure it out myself.

Thank you for even giving this fic the time of day, This could get like 5 reads, but to those 5 readers, you're my angels and it means the world:)! Please feel free to give me constructive criticism, in fact, I encourage it. 

OH WAIT BEFORE I GO, thank you to the friends of mine who have helped me get this started by giving me pointers and tips, and helping me choose the cover art. Really couldn't have done this without ya

Thank you - A

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