Haunting Words

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Warning: {***} means that a very triggering scene is coming. Please read with caution and don't push yourself to read it if you know it'll trigger you. I love you

Chapter 10


I refuse to stop running. My feet are aching in the soles of my soaking wet shoes, pleading me to stop or at least slow down, but I can't.

His words echoed in my brain giving me more and more fuel to keep running in hopes that if I run long enough, I'll escape it. 

My feet skidded to a stop when I realized I was right in front of the bakery. How could I even go in there right now? Barbara probably gave me the job solely out of pity. How could I go in there when I feel this way? 

I stood in front of the quaint building, inhaling the intoxicating aroma of bread and pastries. I was on the brink of turning around and walking home, but my mum's face emerged in my mind. I think of all the times she's come home late, food staining her clothes, her feet blistered and sore from the uncomfortable shoes. I think of the rude customers calling her all sorts of obscenities. We may not see eye to eye on most things, but a smile will always grace her lips the moment she sees me. I owe her this. If I can't do this for myself, I can do it for her. My mum is the only provided motivation that pushed me to walk through the bakery door. 

The bells above the door chime, alerting barbara who was busy restocking the shelves. Her eyes land on me, concern washing over her face. 

"Oh my heavens, Harry! Are you okay, love?" She rushes over to me, her hands cupping my wet cheeks. I offer a slight nod, but she sees right through it. Maybe if I'm lucky enough, I can blame my lack of emotion on the weather. 

"I'm fine. I just couldn't get a ride" I reply meekly. The cold air from the AC system attacks my soaking wet body, making me shiver aggressively. The look she gives me is filled with concern and empathy, but she doesn't push the subject any further. 

"Liam? Could you come here?" She calls out, her eyes never leaving my face. Moments later a thin boy with brown hair emerges from the back corridor. "Yes barb?" 

"Could you get Harry here some new clothes? There should be some in a box in the back hallway" He eyes me for a moment, looking as though he's just seen a ghost. He nods feverishly, rushing back through the hallway that he just came out of. 

"Come sit down love. Would you like some tea to warm you up?" I don't want to be any sort of burden on everyone, so I softly shake my head. "Nonsense, you're shaking like a dog. I'll get you some tea" She scurries off into what I'm assuming is the kitchen. I look around the empty bakery, feeling nothing but isolation and a deep ache sitting in my chest. 

Moments later, The same boy appears from the corridor, holding some clothes in his pale arms. His eyes study me for a while, making me avert my gaze down to the tattered duct tape that's desperately trying to separate itself from my shoe. 

"Here's your clothes. The bathrooms just around the corner over there. Just leave your clothes in the bathroom" His pale hands hold out the clothing for me to grab, and I hesitantly take them. "Thank you" I mutter, still not meeting his eyes. 

"No problem" He chuckles, walking back into the direction of the kitchen. I make my way down the short corridor, walking into the clean bathroom on the right. I manage to peel the wet clothes that were sticking to my skin off of my body, laying them down on the sink. I refuse to look into the mirror because I know the only thing staring back at me will be nothing more than a cold empty shell, so I quickly throw on the loaned clothes and scurry out of the bathroom. 

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