Wherever You Are Is The Place I Belong

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"Can't believe you dragged me to that shit. When are you gonna get off this little rom-com kick of yours?" Louis gripes as we walk through the double doors of the cinema and into the frosty December air. 

"It was a good movie!" I say defensively. Louis makes fun of me when I get defensive, he says my voice raises a couple octaves and that it's no wonder I'm a singer but I ignore him.

"I smiled once, and it was when the chick got hit with a car. Could barely even keep my eyes open during that shit." I roll my eyes, feigning annoyance, and lace his fingers with mine, resting my head on his shoulder as we walk through the car-park. The fresh snow crunches beneath our feet, snowflakes falling slowly from the darkened sky.

"I could think of a few times you had your eyes wide opened," I say cheekily against his jaw as we continue to walk. I could tell Louis believed the movie was almost as unbearable as watching paint dry, so maybe he treated me to a quick handjob, and maybe I spent a good 10 minutes of the movie choking on hushed moans and whimpering into the crook of his neck as his hand showed me the utmost attention. Maybe.

"Don't flatter yourself, Styles. I was doing you a favor."

"Whatever you say Lou. You want to get something to eat?" His large hand pinches my bum through my jeans and I quickly swat at his hand, scurrying to the passenger side of the car. 

"Nah, I got to get you home," He says as he sinks into the seat of the car, starting the engine and pulling out of the parking spot. I can't help the faint pout that falls over my face, and I don't miss the look of exasperation that falls over his.

I've spent the last 5 days at Louis' house and I believe a small part of me forgot that I technically don't live with him. Every morning we wake up to kisses and letting our hands explore one another like we've never had human contact before, hushed laughter mixing beautifully with airy moans. I even think his sisters have even forgotten that I have to go home at some point, always asking me if I'll move into the guest room and if I'm willing to play dollies. It appears they enjoy having me around, especially Jay, who can't get enough of pinching my cheeks every morning. 

It's sort of become our thing. I stroll into the kitchen every morning for breakfast, hands held behind my back as I walk up to her and leaning forward so her smaller hands can pinch my cheek as a bright smile breaks out over her face.

Even Robert seems to enjoy having me around, much to Louis' dismay. They don't get along, which is fine, but that doesn't mean I need to hate the man. He calls me Harry Houdini, and it's clear he's proud of himself for coming up with that joke all on his own.

"Do I have to go home? Tomorrow's your birthday, I want to wake up with you again." I look over to him with a deep frown, my body turning to face him as he drives onto a busy street. "You gotta go home love. Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, don't you want to spend it with your family?" 

"What family?" I huff under my breath and roll my eyes almost reflexively, leaning my body against the door. 

He lifts a hand from the steering wheel and places it on my thigh, startling me slightly. Louis squeezes gently before I push away his hand. "Come on, that's not fair. Your mum probably wants to decorate with you, and what about your sister?"

"I don't think Gemma's coming anymore, she hasn't said anything about it." I scoff, crossing my arms like a child who've been told they have to go to bed without dessert. "I don't see why I have to go home when we both know I'm gonna be back at your house within 3 days."

"Exactly, so you should have no problem going home for a bit, yeah?" My head snaps toward him, looking over to him through squinted eyes as I swat his arm, Louis chuckling loudly. "It's not funny!" I exclaim, reaching over the center console and grabbing a hold of his hand. 

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