Gentle Touches

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I burst through my front door, paying no regard to the sleeping people throughout the house. I don't bother to shut the door before rushing up the stairs and throwing open my mum's bedroom door. She jumps awake from her sleep, startling Robert whos in bed next to her. 

"Mum get up, we need to go" I shout at her before rushing back down the staircase and looking for her car keys. I can hardly walk straight but I'm more awake than ever. I was barely able to make it home, swerving in and out of lanes as I sped down the empty streets. I knew that I wasn't sober enough to go look for Harry. 

"Louis? What's going on?" My mum walks slowly down the stairs without a care in the world, as if a sweet innocent boy isn't out there by himself at almost 4 in the morning. 

"We need to go find Harry. I don't know where he is, but maybe we could go to his house? Or maybe the park? Maybe he'd go to the bakery or something I don't know mum we just need to-" My words are flying out faster than she can process them. 

"Slow down, love. What happened? Wheres Harry" She tightens her robe and walks cautiously towards me. 

"Harry's gone. We got into an argument and he stormed off and I have no goddamn clue where he is. I got him drunk, mum. He doesn't drink and I fucking got him drunk. I'm such an idiot" My mind refuses to slow down. I can't focus on the look of fear on my mum's face, or the volume of my voice that has surely woken the rest of the house. I need to find him. 

She walks toward me carefully, her eyes studying mine as if she's looking for an answer. 

"Lou, have you been drinking?" She whispers out, probably afraid of my sisters hearing her. 

"Yes mum, I'm fucking drunk, but there's a bigger issue here. Harry's drunk and I don't know if he made it home" I run my hands through my hair and tug at the roots, pain prickling at my scalp but I don't care. 

"Okay okay, please just calm down. I'll go get dressed and we can go look for him, alright?" I nod quickly as she turns around and rushes up the stairs. 

I toss my mum her keys once she's downstairs and follow her outside, getting into her car. As soon as I begin to drive, my eyes scan every inch of the street. 


"Louis, we've been driving for half an hour. Have you tried to call Anne on my phone again?" My mum asks through a tired yawn. 

"Yeah, she didn't answer. He's out here, mum. I just know it" I know somethings wrong, I always know it.

"Look, maybe we should just go home and then in the morning, we can try again. For all we know he could be asleep in his bed. I'm worried about him too love, but this is madness." I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. 

Just as I was about to plead for just a little bit more time, my phone rings. I don't stop to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I nearly yell into the phone

"Lou" The familiar crack in his voice makes my stomach lurch and my heart drop. 

"Harry? Baby where are you?" My mum's eyes widen when she hears Harry's name and she pulls the car over to the side of the road. 

"I'm sorry" I can tell by the sound of his choked whimpers that he isn't okay. My chest tightens as a small cry sounds in my ear. 

"You didn't do anything, baby. Where are you? I can come get you" I don't like the sound of his voice. He sounds as though he's completely given up. 

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