Maybe I Miss You

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Two weeks later

Chapter 12


"I can't do it, Lou, how do I know which numbers go where? And why do you keep talking about apples? There's no apples here." Phoebe sighs, running her small hands through her long brown hair. It's Friday night, and while most people my age are out partying, here I am helping my little sister with her maths homework. 

"It's not that hard Pheebs. If I have 5 apples, and you give me 4, then how many apples do I have?" I ask, feeling a little frustrated with the 6-year-old. 

"Who on earth needs that many apples? That's crazy! And I don't even like apples so I wouldn't have any apples to give you." She exclaims, throwing her pencil down on the dining table.

"Ok fine, forget the apples. Say I have 5 Oreos, and you give me 4, how many Oreos do I then have?" I love this little girl to death, but my patience is wearing thin.

"I'd never give you my Oreos Lou! Unless they're the yellow ones, those aren't good. And you shouldn't eat that many cookies, you'll get cavities" She waves her hands around in front of her to exaggerate her point, turning her small body toward me in the chair.

"That's it, go ask Lottie for help" I leave the table and make my way into the kitchen, the little girl following quickly on my heels, eager to go tell on me.

"Mummy! Lou won't help me with my homework and he keeps talking about taking my Oreos." She rushes out in one breath, tugging on the hem of my mum's shirt, desperate for her attention. 

"Louis, help your little sister with her homework" My mum sighs out, ignoring the little girl and tending to the big pot on the stove. Her shift at the hospital ended early, so she decided to make dinner for all of us.

"I tried mum, she just doesn't get it" I explain, but she rolls her eyes in protest.

"Lou it's addition, it can't be that hard" I contemplate telling her that she's her daughter and if she wants it done so bad then she can do it herself, but I bite my tongue.

"Well maybe she's just a little s-t-u-p-i-d" I spell out the word, not wanting Phoebe to understand what I'm trying to say.

"Hey! I am not stupid! Mum, Lou called me stupid!" She whines out, stomping her foot repeatedly on the hardwood.

"Since when do you know how to spell?" I joke, antagonizing her even more. "He didn't mean it, sweets. Go ask Lottie for help, Okay?" My mum sweetly asks, softly caressing Phoebes red cheek and placing a soft kiss on the top of her head. She giggles at the soft gesture and skips off into the hallway, in search of her older sister.

"Do you have to patronize her, Lou?" My mum sighs, softly slapping the wound up towel against my bent knee. "It's not my fault you raised a little maniac" I explain, my mum shaking her head, softly chuckling.

"How has school been, love? I feel like we haven't had the chance to talk a lot recently" She inquires, carefully stirring the pasta in the pot.

"It's been fine" Whether school has been fine or not is beyond me, considering I'm hardly ever there for the whole day. On the off chance that I attend all of my classes, I smoke in my car beforehand so I'm too out of it to give a shit about anything going on. It's been two weeks since I've spoken to Harry. I'm following his wishes in staying away from him, though it hasn't been easy. I want to hold him and force him to listen to my apologies, but I can't. It doesn't help that I can never seem to catch the kid alone, because he's always with Niall or that Mitch guy. I hate the look he gets whenever his gaze falls upon me. His eyes are completely void of any sign of emotion, as if he's turned all of it off. I miss the way he'd get so worked up and flustered that he would yell, because then at least it'd show he cared. The silence, and the glares don't resonate well with me, and if I'm being honest...I miss him.

You Sunshine, You Temptress (l.s)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ