Give Me Some Morphine

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TW: nonconsensual acts between two characters and mention of rape. (not between Harry and Louis.) Please read carefully if this is difficult for you.


Dewy blades of grass peek between my toes, a chilling wind blowing slightly against my bare arms. A low glow of yellow shines through the thick fog from beneath a single street lamp, the only source of light beside the gleaming white of the moon.

I stand stagnant on a lawn, staring blankly at the brick house in front of me. An earthy green moss grows in between the bricks, the overgrown grass creeping up the sides like spider legs. No light, no sign of life to be found. Just me and this house.

I stare for a while longer, my mind foggy like the air around me. This house, it's familiar. Not in a sense of which I recognize, but by the feeling it gives off, the energy radiating from it.

It's My house. Why am I not inside?

I walk on light feet to the front door, the wet grass pressing beneath my feet and my own shallow breathing the only sound to be heard for miles. I walk the steps of the dark porch, gripping the cold knob of the door in my hesitant hand before twisting it and stepping inside.

The eeriness of the outside world pales in comparison to the atmosphere of the house. It's empty. The furniture, the decor, the pictures that usually line the walls, it's all gone. Not a single trace of it left behind.

"Hello?" I call out, my voice bouncing off the walls and filling the entire downstairs.

"Mum?" I walk throughout the downstairs, peeking into the empty kitchen, the bathroom, everything

"Girls?" I call out for my sisters as I walk up the stairs, the floorboards creaking beneath my feet as I peek into their vacant bedrooms.

Did they move away? Surely they wouldn't just pack up and leave without me, would they? They'd at least let me know they were leaving.

Confused and a bit creeped out, I sigh before walking into my bedroom, the air catching in my lungs at the sight in front of me. A single bed pushed against the wall, the window right next to it allowing the moonlight to beam into the room.

The air feels clouded, thick and heavy. The hairs on the back of my neck standing up almost immediately. Something isn't right. Not just because of the vacancy, or the intense darkness, an unidentifiable quality creating an obscure, almost evil feeling.

I open my mouth to call out, but the voice filling the room is not my own.

"I was waiting for you," the voice rings throughout the room, filling my head as if it came from inside there.

My throat goes dry, fear prickling down my spine almost instantly

"Who's there?" I croak.

"Aww Louis, you don't recognize my voice? I'm a bit offended, has it really been that long?"

"Who are you?" I call out, staring at the pitch-black corner of the room, the place where the voice came from.

And in this moment, as the man steps out from the dark corner and into the moonlight...well...I wish I could die right here and now.

"'re...oh my god," I stutter, my hands trembling by my sides.

He looks exactly how I remembered, though I've tried my damnedest to push his face out of my mind. Dark hazel eyes, intense and gripping. Defined cheekbones, long eye-lashes, and jet black hair contrasting his ivory-toned skin.

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