Love And Loss

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Chapter 4


Friday morning was just like every other morning. I woke up at the last minute, rushed around for 5 minutes, threw on some old clothes and was out the door while my mum screamed at me to hurry up.

We were in the car, My mum zooming in and out of lanes as she yells at me for making us late.

"Christ Harry I don't ask much of you, why do you always have to make everything so difficult?" She barked. I look down at my dingy sweater that covers half of my hands, and picked at the loose thread. 

"I don't know mum" I solemnly reply. 

"I mean you're 16 years old, how hard is it to just get up in the morning? I just started this job 2 damn days ago and I'm already running late" she shouts. All I do is to continue to shift my eyes from the sleeves of my sweater to the rainy Doncaster sky. 

"You know sometimes you can be so selfish" She sneers. The smallest part of me wants to scream at her. To tell her that my entire life I've been the complete opposite of selfish and I'm beginning to grow tired of everyone overlooking me. Instead, I swallow the lump in my throat, bite the inside of my cheek and insipidly reply-

"Okay mum" Out of the corner of my eye I can see her face contort into an emotion that I couldn't quite pinpoint. Out of nowhere, it hit me. I recognized the look displayed over her stone-cold face. My mother was disgusted with me.

We pull into the school parking lot, and the car comes to an abrupt stop.

"Here's some money to buy lunch, I'll see you at home alright?" She explains as she hands me £10

My jaw clenches tightly and my body tenses as she runs a hand through my curls. Noticing my demeanor, she immediately drops her hand and sighs "Have a good day, love" and at that, I step out of the tension-filled car and slam the door, rushing through the main doors of the school.

Once again I was late for the first block, so I rush through the nearly empty hallways trying to get to my class at a somewhat decent time. I burst through the classroom door, and all eyes in the room cast onto me

"Mr. Styles, you're late" Mr.Beauchamp states, emphasizing my name 

I feel my cheeks heat up and nod my head silently "Yes sir, s-sorry I woke up late" I choke out, my voice barely a whisper

He must've sensed how nervous I was because he softly nodded his head and motioned towards the back of the room, silently telling me to take my seat.

I quickly make my way over to my desk and slump down in my seat as soon as I'm in it. A hand grasps my shoulder and I look over quickly.

"Hey mate, sorry about lunch on Wednesday. I wasn't laughing at you, I just fucking laugh at everything. I didn't mean to upset you H" Niall rushes out. I can't help but smile at how shaky his voice was. It's kinda nice to not be the nervous one in a conversation for a change.

"It's alright Niall, I understand" He nods his head and grins, feeling satisfied with himself. 

I turn back around in my seat and look up at Mr.Beachaump as he made his way to the front of his desk and sits on top of it, smiling brightly at all of us

"Alright everyone, let's get started" He yells, his voice filled with fake excitement. "Now I know the last thing you want to do on a Friday morning is to discuss philosophy, but we aren't just going to sit here and fingerpaint. Although that would be quite entertaining" The class lets out a chuckle and he smiles to himself proudly.

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