Forget What I Said

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Important authors note at the end!



I wake with a start, the sound of an unforeseen knock from the other side of the door pulling me from my sleep, which felt like it lasted all of 5 minutes.

"Gotta get up, Lou," mum says, the sound of her voice replaced by retreating footsteps. 

I nearly roll over and bury my face between the cool underside of my pillow, but the early morning sun creeping in through the curtains makes it all too bright for me to go back to sleep.

Besides, today is a big day, I have no time for sleeping in. 

I sit up in bed, yawning an obnoxious yawn and rubbing the heaviness from my tired eyes. Looking down at the pillow, I study the black cardigan I've slept with yet again, making that the 6th day in a row. His scent no longer lingers in-between the thread of the soft fabric, but I don't mind. As long as it's there next to me, I don't mind. 

I stand from the bed, wasting no time getting ready for the day, slipping on my usual jeans and a jumper before grabbing my bag and heading out my bedroom door. I practically skip down the steps, waltzing into the kitchen and smiling as everyone glances at me with confusion clear on their faces. 

"Good morning everyone," I chirp, taking a bowl and pouring myself some cereal. 

"Um...good morning love," mum says in-between sips of coffee. I eat my cereal in silence, neglecting the confused glares thrown my way from all members of my family.

"You feeling alright?" she finally asks. 

"I'm feeling fine," I reply with a smile, finishing off my cereal and setting my bowl in the sink. "Why?" she asks, only elaborating when I return the confused glare she's been giving me for 5 minutes now. "I mean, I'm glad you're feeling better...just a little confused as to why." 

"Well, today's an important day, of course. Gotta be feeling my best."

"Important day? Since when are you excited for school?" She stares at me as though I speak a language she can't comprehend, her head angling to the side. The girls are too busy finishing up their breakfast and chatting amongst themselves to take part in our conversation. 

"I've decided today's the day I'm gonna talk to Harry." 

"You've.... what?"

"We've been apart long enough, and by now he's probably calmed down and is just waiting for me to reach out. What's the point in continuing this little charade when we can just put the whole thing behind us?"

"Louis... I don't think it's that simple," she says, enunciating every word in hopes I'll understand, but I don't.

"Why not?"

"Because.... because it just isn't." She says, waving her hands in front of her and looking at me as if to say 'how are you not understanding this?' "You can't just decide that you're gonna get him back, it just doesn't work like-"

"I have to do something, mum," I say with a roll of the eyes. 

"I understand that, but you hurt him. Bad. You can't just decide that it's time to make it right."

"He loves me, mum. For every bad and good thing that makes me who I am, he loves me. He told me he loved me."


"Me. He loves me. Harry loves me and I love him and we are in love and that has to count for something," I choke. "It just has to." I get she's trying to help, but I can't hear any of that right now. It can't be for nothing. After all we've been through, it has to count for something.

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