Forest Green

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Chapter 13


The Doncaster sky was a brilliant swirl of red and orange as the sun began to hide behind the wispy clouds, saying goodbye for the day. The passing cars and pedestrians were a blur in the passenger window as we drove down an unfamiliar street. 

"Did you have to dress like that? I specifically told you last night to dress nicely, and you're wearing some jumper and jeans? You look homeless, Harry" My mother asks, her voice bitter and sharp. I look down, my eyes studying my blue jeans and the hoodie that I haven't taken off since last night. 

"I don't have any nice clothes, mum. This was the best I could do" I murmur. My body sinks into itself, suddenly feeling self-critical from my mother's hurtful words. 

"Don't give me that, Harry. What happened to your dad's old dress shirts?" She questions, her tone seemingly impatient

"I couldn't find them" I lie. I know exactly where those shirts are. They're buried at the very bottom of my closet, and that's where they will stay. I agreed to wear my dad's old clothes when my mum was no longer able to buy me new ones, but I couldn't bring myself to do it today. I felt safe in this jumper. As strange as that may sound due to the memories tied with it, It brings me a sense of security. 

"Mhm" She draws out, clearly not believing me. "When we get there, please be on your best behavior. I know this probably isn't something you want to be doing, but I appreciate you coming along." For the first time today, her voice sounds sincere. She was right, the last thing I want to do is go to some house and eat dinner with strangers, but I'd do it for my mum. Regardless of how her deprecating words cut deeper and deeper, I still want to make her happy. 

The car pulls over in front of a brick, two-story house. I look around the neighborhood, taking in my surroundings. The difference in this neighborhood compared to mine is very clear to me, and I can't help but feel a little out of place. My mum must be feeling the same way because I look over to see her doing the exact same thing as me. 

"Come on love, Lets go" She sighs out when she notices me looking at her with uncertainty. We step out of the car into the chilly evening, and I'm mentally patting myself on the back for wearing a jumper. I follow my mum up the pathway and the cement stairs, standing next to her as she knocks on the wooden door. 

Moments later a woman with long brown feathery hair opens the door. Her face lights up instantly when her eyes land on my mother and they engulf each other in a friendly hug. 

"Anne! It's so good to see you, please come in!" she exclaims, her face beaming as her arms are still snaked around my mum. She pulls away and steps aside, allowing us access to step inside. I walk in last, looking around the large house, my eyes wide in awe. It's not that the house is huge, it's just so pretty. I hear the sound of fire crackling, coming from the brick fireplace. It feels so homey in here. 

"I was just wrapping up dinner, decided to make a roast. Looked all over town for a proper roast, but my boyfriend was able to find one for me a few days ago" She explains as we follow her into the modern kitchen. The granite countertop island is covered in different side dishes and I can feel my stomach rumbling. 

"Oh how rude of me, you must be Harry" She smiles sweetly. I extend my hand, ready for a shake, but she had other plans in mind as her tan arms wrap around me, securing me in a warm hug. 

"It's so nice to meet you, my names Johannah but you can call me Jay" She chirps. A warm smile spreads across her blushed cheeks, making the corners by her eyes crinkle up in a familiar way that makes my stomach warm with fond. I've seen this smile before, I just don't know where. 

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