I Need You And I Hate It

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Warning: Emotional as hell. 


Zayn and Niall both have their eyes trained on me, watching me like a hawk. "Say something," Zayn mumbles, nodding his head over in Harry's direction. Niall's blue and green eyes dart between me and Harry, and he looks entirely in shock.

Harry's staring down at the bed in front of him, playing with the fabric of the sheets. He refuses to look at me.

"Uh... Ni maybe we should go wait outside, yeah?" Zayn suggests, standing from the couch and grabbing his car keys.

"But I want to-"

"Let's go" Zayn growls, snatching Niall up by his arm and nearly dragging him out of the room while Niall gives me a death glare.

The door clicks behind them, leaving me with a silent Harry. The room is mysteriously quiet, the only sound being the low rumbling of the old space heater in the corner. I glance all around the room, too afraid to even look in his direction.

As uncomfortable as this may be, I know that he deserves an explanation. I can't just run away from this and go pamper him with kisses (though I desperately want to) it just doesn't work like that.

"Baby?" I breathe, trudging to the bed so we're standing on opposite sides. He ducks his head down, his curls preventing me from seeing his face.  

"I know how bad this sounds, okay? But it truly isn't what you think." I'm struggling to find the proper words to say. He's way too calm right now.

The calm before the storm.

"Please say something." I reach out to grab his small hand, but he flinches away, and it feels like someone's punched me in the stomach.

"Is it true?" He eventually asks, his raspy voice low and shaky. I sigh heavily and run my hand through my hair, rocking stiffly on my heels. I don't want to lie, but I don't want to see his reaction when I tell the truth.

"Yes... it's true." He winces and lets out a slight whimper, his gaze never lifting from the white bedsheets.

"Please grab my bag" He says after a long while of staying silent and fuck, I just wish he'd look at me. I pause for a moment, creasing my eyebrows in confusion before nodding and going to the corner to grab his overnight bag.

I walk back over to the bed and place the bag in front of him, and he wastes no time snatching it up and slinging the strap over his shoulder. He keeps his eyes trained on the floor as he walks from his side and makes a beeline for the exit.

I chase after him, "Harry," I call out, but he doesn't acknowledge me and continues walking toward the door. His hand grips the knob as he tries to leave, but I stand straight between him and the exit.

"Move" He says perilously low, still peering at the ground.


His hand lifts and in one swift motion, his palm connects with my cheek, the sound ringing through the room. A deep sting sets into my burning skin, but I have bigger things to worry about here.

"Don't you call me that. Don't you dare call me that." He ultimately looks up to meet my gaze, and my knees go weak from the sight. His porcelain little baby cheeks are a shade of vivid red, his eyes clouded with tears and his chin quivering as he speaks.

"Please, just let me explain-"

"Explain? You cheated on me, you asshole!" He cries, pushing me harshly, and my back knocks against the door. "How could you? How could you do that to me?" He squeaks out through trembling lips.

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