We Don't Wanna Be Like Them

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Warning: Graphic talk of r*pe and sexual assault. 


The air surrounding us feels like it's suffocating me. Louis glances around the empty living room, his eyes holding so much emotion but his mouth not making a single sound. I agreed to hear him out, so why isn't he saying anything?

I fold my arms over my chest and sigh heavily as I lean into the arm of the couch. Louis rises to his feet and paces around the living room, my eyes tracking his every movement. I feel nervous just watching him walk back and forth like this. 


"Let's go for a drive, yeah? I can't do this here." He huffs and runs a hand through his hair, grabbing his jacket and sliding it on over his tattooed arms.

"It's-" I glance to the clock hanging over the bookshelf in the corner "Almost 1 in the morning. You want to go for a drive now?"

He nods. 

"O-okay" I slowly stand from the couch, feeling confused as ever. "I'll go get changed... I guess."

He nods once more and falls onto the couch, bouncing his leg and breathing into his hands. I shake my head once before walking into the dark hallway and stumbling into my bedroom.

I feel so overwhelmingly confused and scared. I expected him to just tell me how sorry he is and beg me to take him back, but it's different. There's something haunting him and it runs deeper than what I initially thought. 

As I slide my cardigan over my chilly arms and slip on a grey beanie, my bedroom door creaks open, revealing a messy haired Niall. 

"Where are you going?" He asks through a yawn before plopping down on my bed.

"I don't know," I shrug, grabbing my shoes from underneath my bed. 

"What do you mean you don't know?" 

"He says he wants to go for a drive." He's fully awake now, his eyes widening and his eyebrows creasing together.

"You cannot be serious right now." He stares at me with shock washed over his face, and I look down at my shoes in fear. 

"You will seriously forgive him? After what he did?" 

"I need to hear him out, Ni-"

"No, no you don't. That motherfucker did the one thing I told you he would do. He hurt you." Niall stands from the bed and walks over to me, snatching the beanie from my head and tossing it onto the bed. "There is nothing to hear out." 

"Yes, there is Ni" I mumble, still staring down at both of our feet. 

"Harry, look at you right now, you're a fucking mess" 

"Don't call me that!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes for the 100th time tonight. 

"He broke your heart, how are you going to forgive him, huh?! What fucking lie is he going to come up with now?"

"You forgave Zayn, how is this any different?" I look up to see Niall's face bright red with anger, his nostrils flaring and his eyes wild. 

"Because Zayn didn't keep it from me! He told me the instant we got closer, Louis never would have told you if I wouldn't have brought it up!" He's screaming at me, causing me to cower in the corner and shake my head repeatedly. 

"I can't hear this right now," I mutter, trying to cover my ears but Niall yanks my hands away. 

"When are you going to let go, Harry?! Give it up, he will only keep hurting you. Let it go!" 

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