Chapter 58

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   "Now what? " Bonnie asked. Failing to climb the wall.

   Gardevoir was using every power she could to make the wall burst down. But she couldn't.

  Serena had an idea, she called Fennikin out of it's pokeball. "Use Flamethrower! " She called out.

    The flames burned most of the thorn vines away. "Great idea Serena! Lets keep going! "

    They kept on running until they saw an outline of Trevenant. He was carrying Elli towards a whithered tree.

   The group waited in the shadows, wondering what they were doing.

   Elli started to wake up.

  "Hello...why was I asleep? " She asked, rubbing her eyes.

    Trevenant growled a bit and let her stand up infront of him. Then he pointed to the tree. "Did you, uh, by any chance see me use my powers? " She asked.

     "Powers?! " Ash whispered /screamed.

"I wonder..."

    "Trevenant." It answered.

  Elli nodded and walked to the tree, she placed a hand on the trunk. Leaves grew out of it's branches, it turned Dark Brown.


    Serena was about to scream, when Ash and Bonnie saw her mouth widening they quickly covered it.

     "You can come out now." Elli said, hearing them.

    "How did you...never mind." Ash started, walking out of the shadows.

    "Trevenant." Another voice called. The group turned around and saw a bunch of pokemon running to the tree.

    A few pokemon started bouncing around it's big branches. "I think we should go..." Ash said, grabbing Elli's hand.

    "Cant we stay any longer? " She asked, wanting to play.

   "I have a bad feeling."

   "Aw your a wuss puss. You just want to train! What about the others? " Elli suddenly felt more playful. Like she wanted to play forever.

    "Somethings up with her. We have to get her far away!!" Ash said pulling harder.

    Elli was jumping up and down now, hyper.

   "Gardevoir.." Gardevoir grabbed Elli' other hand and started pulling her back.

    "Hey let me go!! Its playtime!! " She yelled,kicking her legs as Ash and Gardevoir lifted her by her arms.

     Pikachu saw the pokemon around the tree was playing all too well.

    "My analisist States that the tree is doing something..." Clemont states pushing his glasses to his face.

     He takes out his pokedex and aims it at the tree. "The Sleeping Tree, it send off waves of aura causing pokemon and people around it to play. After playing for hours they fall into a deep sleep that could last for centuries."

    "WE GOTTA GO NOW!! " Serena exclaims, grabbing Bonnie in her arms and running away.

      Ash and Gardevoir start to drag Elli with them, but she keeps on Kicking her legs nonstop.

     They kept on running through the forest until they were back at the meadow. "This is so much fun!!! " Elli squealed.

     "How long does this last? " Serena asked, setting Bonnie down.

  "It seems as though the Sleeping Tree put Elli in the trance the worst." Clemont States.

    Elli got out of Ash and Gardevoir's grip and started to run around in huge circles. Thinking she was an airplane.

     Soon Bonnie and the other pokemon except for Gardevoir started following her.

    An idea popped into Serena's mind, she took out her map and started looking around the area.

    "Here it is!! " She yelled.

    "Here what is? " Ash asked, confused.

   Serena turned the map so he and Clemont could see, there she pointed to a small town..

    "Maybe there's a hospital there! Then they could help Elli!! "

    Serena nodded as she put the map away. "Lets go!! "

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