chapter 38

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     The battle started when Lucario used power up punch.


    What shocked me was I heard a new heartbeat. I just didn't know where it came from.

     Blazekin shot fire out of its beak, burning Lucario.

   "That Flamethrower was really strong!! " Ash exclaims.

  "Lucario!! " Korrina tried to get to Lucario but Blazekin turned to her. Making her fall to the ground.

      I caught a glimpse of her picture of us burning up. Oh no....

    Blazekin picked Lucario up and threw him into the water. "We have to help!! " Serena said.

    Both Ash and I shot our hands out to stop her. "She said this was their battle.And their gonna win." I started.

     "Isn't that right? "Ash called. "Its not the end yet!! "

    "Ash and Elli get it." Korrina muttered, "We will never give up. We will not turn away from an opponent until the end comes."

     "Come on Lucario!! We can do it!! "

   Lucario layer still in the water. I sensed his heartbeat slowing down a bit.

    "Lucario Get Up!! " I called.

    Lucario snapped out of its daze and stood up energized. Thanks hypnosis!! He jumped back onto the long walkway ready for battle.

    "Use Power up punch!! "

    Lucario punched Blazekin untill he was on the ground. The next thing you know, Lucario used Bone Rush.

     Making Blazekin stuck onto the ground, unable to move. "This is it!!" Korrina yelled.

      Lucario pulled his arm back, and jerked it forward. My head perked up when that new heartbeat became louder.

    "STOP!!" A new voice called. Lucario stopped mid punch.

    Infront of them was a man who looked a lot like Korrrina in a way. "Grandfather! What are you doing here?! " Korrina asked confused.

     "I knew you would complete your training and succeed,but I wanted to give you one final test. Before Lucario can mega evolve." Her Grandfather explained.

     He stepped aside, hand spread out towards the Lucarionite. "You earned it."

     Korrina ran over to the pedastal and grabbed the stone. She held it up in the air triumphiantly "We did it!! "


     "Now its time for Lucario to mega evolve." Korrina gave Lucario the stone, then stood in front of him.

     "Lucario, Mega Evolve!! "


     Hi guys!! Finished another chapter and very excited about how the book is progressing.

     I just got this book of the Kalos region pokemon, it should help me out in battles and such.

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