Chapter 39

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    I cant really describe mega Lucario so you'll have to look it up. Sorry.


     Korrina's Grandfather suggested to evolve Lucario at the town park. So she agreed.

    "Hello!! How was it? " The camera man asked waving his hand.

   "We found the Lucarionite!! Sorry but the picture you gave me got burnt up." Korrina said bowing down slightly.

     "Accidents happen .We can get you a new picture."

   "Oh you'd do that? Thank you so much."

    "How about we mega evolve Lucario now." I suggested. She nodded and turned to Lucario who was holding the mega stone.

    "Lucario, Mega Evolve!! "

   Lucario glowed for a long time, when it disappeared Lucario was transformed into Mega Lucario.

    "I'm really happy for you!! " I exclaimed giving Korrina a hug. When I gave Mega Lucario a hug I felt something different in him...

     "We can use my new invention to check his power." Clemont takes a small invention with a disk.

    "I call it the Power Check Ray Disk!! "

    "Not good but the name says it all." Bonnie said bored.

    Lucario started to throw some kicks and punches. Sending off warm air. "That warm air is Lucario's aura. He sends it off in battle." I explain.

     Clemont points the disk to Lucario.The arrow goes to the red zone.

   "I bet my Lucario is stronger than yours Grandfather!! " Korrina brags.

    "Lets not get too full of ourselves now."

    "Hey since your Lucario is Mega Lucario how about we battle? " Ash says.

    "That's a great Idea!! "


   "All right Lucario use Bone Rush! " Lucario takes out two bones and throws then to Pikachu.

Who dodges it, the bones fly all the way into the mountains nearby. A huge explosion comes from the mountain.

    "Now that's power." I call as Clemont checks the power. "According to the invention, Lucario's power has increased to double."

    "Pikachu use Iron Tail."

    Pikachu's tail turned to steel as he tries to hit Lucario. But Lucario dodged it like it was nothing.

    Lucario is a lot stronger...Wait a minute...somethings wrong.

   I felt breads of sweat roll off of my face. My ears were ringing because of how much Lucario's heartbeat got faster.

     "Lets see how Lucario can deal with Speed. Pikachu use Quick Attack!! "

    Pikachu zipped across from his side and ran to Lucario. Of course he dodged it again.

    Pikachu ran to the otherwise but Lucario blocked. He ran to the other side but he blocked it again.

   No matter how many times he tries to get out Lucario blocks his exit. "That's some speed." Clemont muttered.

    Without Korrina giving the command Lucario used Power Up Punch on its own.

    "This isn't normal, right? " Serena asked slightly shaking.

     " Use Electro Ball!! " Ash yelled.

    Before Pikachu could do the move Lucario grabbed Pikachu's tail by his mouth and started swinging him around.

     After a few more swings Lucario throws Pikachu to the ground in front of Ash's feet.

     Suddenly Clemont's invention exploded, we tried to get the smoke cleared. When it finally did I saw Lucario advancing in on Ash and Pikachu.

     Ash runs over and crouches down, using his body to protect Pikachu.

      "COME ON LUCARIO!!STOP!!! STOP!!! " Korinna yells trying to get his attention.

     Lucario pulls his arm back ready for the final blow.

    My adrenalin kicked in. I ran infront of Ash and Pikachu. Holding my hand up to Lucario I yelled, "STOP!!! "

    He didn't hear me.

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