Chapter 49

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   Day 5 of Pokemon Summer Camp!!!

    "I wonder what we're gonna be doing today." Ash said as we were walking to the Dining hall for our instructions.

    "Something exciting. I can feel it!" I said adding a little bounce in my step.

    When we walked into the room was sat across of Shuanna, Traverse, and Tierno.

   "Welcome Campers, Today we'll be doing a special event called Pokemon Orientating. " The Professor said, hair looking like he got out of bed.

    "Its a race where you'll be going to different locations and stamping on a card we'll be giving you. You will have to work together to get the stamps of course. The first team who reaches the finish line wins."

   Out of the corner of my eye I saw everyone giving each other a death glare. I chuckled a tiny bit before turning back to the stage.

    "As you know 1st place gets 10 points. 2nd gets 7 .And 3rd gets 3. While the other teams get none. You will begin after breakfast."

After Breakfast...

   "Are you sure you want to do this Elli? " Serena asked.

    "I'll be okay guys. Besides I want to do this with my team." I said, giving a confident smile.

   "Let the race begin!! " The speaker called.

    Everyone started running ahead. So far our team was in the lead. I looked at the small stamp map and saw the first stamping booth was floss by

     "It should be around here." Ash muttered looking around.

    I looked up the mountains and saw one of the assistents above waving her hands.

    "There it is! " I said, pointing above.

    Team Squirtle ran by, Tierno took out Squirtle and started climbing with it.

    "Ill go, Froakie come on out!!" Ash took Froakie out and started climbing the walls with him.

     "Watch out! " I yelled, Squirtle stepped on a weak spot and started falling. Tierno jumped to catch him but stared falling too.

     "Use your Frubbles to catch Tierno." Ash yelled.

      Froakie made a cushion of frubble,Tierno landed onto them safely.

    "Looks like I owe you one, thanks."

   Ash slid down the mountain after stamping his card.

    Soon we had all of our cards stamped. Now its time to cross the finish line first.

    "This fog is really thick." I said, as we were in the forest.

    "I can see past my - AAGHH!! " We all stopped and saw Ash run into a tree. He was down on the ground rubbing his nose. "Watch out for that tree." I mumbled.

    "Nose." He finished.

   Serena and I helped him up. "I think we should slow down." Clemont suggested.

    "Bonnie come on." I said, holding her onto my back.

     Soon we couldn't see the others. I saw a figure of something, so I started walking to it.

    "Clemont? " Bonnie asked.

    It was just a tree. "I think we're lost..."

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