Chapter 52

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    Day 7 at Pokemon Summer Camp.

   (So guys I haven't seen that episode yet so I'm just gonna make it up...if I do find the episode ill write it later."

    "Wake up!! " I opened my eyes and saw Ash at the side of my bed. "What's up? " I asked, yawning.

    "Well today is the day we're gonna do our best to go into the hall of fame. So nothing much."

   I playfully pushed him off of the bed, he landed onto the floor with a thud. "Give me a few more minutes."

     When I was about to fall asleep I felt myself be electrecuted.


   "You just got electrecuted by two electric trypes and all you said was ouch? "

   "Pikachu use Thunderbolt. Dedenae use Charge." The room lit up for a few seconds.


   Grogilly I got out of bed and took a quick shower, afterwards it was time for Professor Sicamors to announce today's challenge.

    "Come on Clemont!! " I yelled, running faster than him. "I'm (panting) trying."

    When we got there a crowd surrounded the stage. I was able to see clearly but Bonnie had a hard time. So I lifted her onto my shoulders.

    "Good Morning Campers!! " Professor Sicamore started.

    "Good Morning Professor! " Everyone called back.

   "As you know today is the last day of the Pokemon Summer Camp...But we have an exciting Challenge today!! "

   Everyone started to cheer, after a few seconds everyone was silent.

   "Today we'll be doing a battle competition. Its a series if round that a trainer from each team will battle another trainer from another team. The victior of the battle will Have their team stay in the event. While the other will have their team eliminated."

     A smile grew from My lips when I sensed everyone's heartbeats full of excitement.

    "In the Final battle each Team will decide which of their team members to send in. We will start in a few minutes so please be prepared."

     Everyone's steps were full of energy. Especially Ash and Pikachu's. "So who's gonna do the first one? " I ask, walking around the beach.

    "How about Ash and Pikachu? " Bonnie said still on my shoulders.

    "Yeah!! There's no doubt we're gonna lose!! "


    Ash won the battle to a trainer from Team Chespin.

   Now its my turn.

    "You'll be battling with a trainor from Team Fennikin." Clemont explains.

    "I just hope he doesn't underestimate me with my leg." I mutter. "Don't worry you'll be fine." Bonnie said getting off of my shoulders.

   I nodded as Gardevoir and I walked over to the battle feild. Where a girl with curly black hair was there.

    "My names Cathy, what's your name?" Cathy asked.

   "Elli, and this is Gardevoir." I gesture to my pokemon.


   "This will be a fun battle, good luck." She held out her hand for me to take. I shook it and took my position.

    "You can go first Cathy."

    Cathy nods and takes out an Umbreon, I take out my pokedex and check it out.

   "Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon.Umbreon's genetic structure is influenced by moonlight. When the moon shines upon it, the rings in its fur gives a faint glow."

    "interesting. " I muttered, putting the pokedex away.

    "Umbreon use Quick Attack! " Cathy yelled, starting the battle.

    Knowing what to do Gardevoir got out of the way. Umbreon tries to hit her again but she was too fast.

    "Double team." I called out.

   Millions of Gardevoirs were in the battle field. Umbreon was looking around for the real one.

    "Use Tackle." Umbreon went for one of the Gardevoira but it evaporated when he touched it.

    "You can do it Cathy!! " One of her Team Members called out.

   "Since Umbreon is a moon pokemon I cant use Moon Blast..It could strengthen it a I should use, Shadow ball." I cried the move a bit louder.


    All of the Gardevoirs aimed at Umbreon. They all fired, sending g dust all over the place.

    When the dust finally settled we saw Umbreon on the ground, unconscious.

      "You battled really good. " I said, helping Cathy with her Pokemon..

    I handed Cathy a Oran Berry for Umbreon.

   "You did too, I shouldn't have underestimated you."


    Its time for the final battle. Team Froakie is still in the its time to see if we can really do this.

     "So who's gonna do the battle? " Serena asked, obviously not wanting to.

    "You know what, " Ash started, "I think Elli should battle."

   My mouth hung open, Bonnie used her tip toes so she could reach out and close it.

   "Me - but -but Why!?" I stuttered.

   " You have a what it takes, Even when you first battled it was against me. And most people don't win against me. So that has to mean something. I really think you should."

    He did have a point. In defeat I took a deep breath, then spoke.

   "I'll battle. And I'm gonna win."

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