chapter 15

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    "Ill tell you later. Lets eat."

    He starts to walk away. While the others followed I stood there in complete shock. Bonnie walked over, grabbed my hand, and walked me to the café.

   The café had about a dozen tables with booths spread out. The floor tiles were black and white making it look like a checker board. The walls were painted pink and blue. The windows had white curtains halfway open.

    "So Christmas is coming up. What are you guys gonna do? " I asked taking a bite of my sandwich.

    "I haven't really thought about it." Bonnie says and looks to her brother.

    "We're going to stay with Ash." He says.

     "What about you Serena? " Ash asks.

   Serena stares off into space for a while. I waved my hand in front of her face.She snaps back to reality.

    "I'm heading home for a while then ill meet you at Cyllage City." I nodded and took another bite.

     "What are you going to do? "

    Gardevoir and I looked at each other. I sighed and said, " I guess we're gonna stay with you." Bonnie squeeled in joy and gave me a bone crushing hug.


  When we finished dinner Nurse Joy showed us to our room.

   Ash and Pikachu took the top bunk, Bonnie and Dedenae took the bottom.Clemont is on the couch, Gardevoir on a chair. Serena and Fennikin on the other bottom bunk, and me on the other top bunk.

     I changed into some blue pj's and fell asleep.

  The Next Day .....   


    I screamed awake and fell off the top bunk to the hard floor. "Is everyone okay?" I heard Serena ask.

     "Despite falling off the top bunk and on to the hard floor being the first thing I do today no. Id do that everyday if I could."

   I shook myself off. "What happened? " Ash asks.

    Across the room Clemont was on the floor paralyzed and covered in sut. The floor around him was littered with shredded mechanics. "Another failed invention? " I asked cleaning myself off.

      "Gardevoir." I looked over to the chair and saw Gardevoir covered in sut.

    "We'll get you fixed up. Bonnie do you want to help? "

    "Would I??!" She grabbed both of our hands and drags us to the bathroom mirrors.

     I passed Bonnie a wet towel and told her to get the sit out of Gardevoir's arms and dress.

   You could literally see the glimmer in the seven year old's eyes as she took care of Gardevoir. When she finished I wiped her face clean. "Thanks for the help Bonnie. " I said pleased.

    "No problem. I just love taking care of pokemon." She says as she walks out.

    I chuckled and turned to Gardevoir. Who was looking at herself in the mirror. "You feel better? " I asked getting a hair brush out. When I did I brushed my long red hair, both of us left when I finished.

    "You guys ready? "

   I nodded my head and grabbed my backpack.


   "So I guess we'll meet at Cyllage city huh? " Ash said. Serena nodded as I walked over and hugged her.

     I held a finger up, rummaged through my backpack, took out a present, and gave it to Serena. "Don't open till Christmas Kay. " I playfully winked at her and let the others say goodbye.

     We all walked off in different paths. Meeting each other at Cyllage City.

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