Chapter 47

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    Day Three.

Serena woke us up early to go on a morning run.

      "Serena's not fooling around about this isn't she? " Clemont said falling behind.

    "That's because she's super excited about the challenges today." I said .

     "Yeah, I know we can win this!! " Serena said.

   "Your gonna get left behind big brother!!! "


    "This food is delicious!!! " I exclaimed, eating happily.

    "Ive never eaten anything like this.You can really taste the ingredients. " Traverse set down his spoon and took a picture of his meal.


    "How do you like it Gardevoir? "

    Gardevoir smiled even more as she ate.


    "Good morning campers! " Professor Sicamore said, startinh the day's challenge.

    "Good morning. "Everyone said.

    "Today's a lovely day for challenges. Today we'll be making our own pokevision video. I'm sure most of you have made your own videos before.But for the others, its a pokemon promo videos. Here's an example."

      They showed a video of the pokemon lab. At the end everyone clapped their hands.

    "Thank you. As you just saw, pokevision lets trainors and pokemon share what makes them special to an even wider audience. Each team will be making a video."

     The Professor's assistent held up some cooking utensils. "We have all the utensils to make pokepuffs. Please put them to good use."

     Serena and Shuanna perked up, excited for this challenge. "This will be exciting! " They exclaimed.

    "You have until this evening. As always the top 3 videos and teams will earn points. this will be decided by a vote. Okay, begin." Professor Sicamore blew his whistle.

     While walking outside everyone was talking about their videos. "There's no doubt Shuanna has this thing in the bag." Tierno bragged.

     "Not unless we have anything to say about it. We're gonna win this thing!! "

     Ash and the others started running, I followed along.


    "Ta da! " Serena said, holding up a board with our pokemon drawn on.

     "Is that our pokemon? " I asked, confused.

    "Yup! The concept is friends. "

    "That's cool!! " Ash said, eyes gleaming.

    "We will put everything we have learner from our journey, and put it into the video. Ive learned from my mistakes, of course this means the future is now thanks to science."

    Clemont takes out a invention that looks like a human with a camera head. 

     "I call it the pokemon shooter 2.0!"

     "What happened to the first one?"

     "It exploded..."

   "Of course ..."

   "Ash, I'll need a little help." Clemont said turning to him.

    "Can I help? I'm not good at baking." I said a little emberassed. "Of course! "


      "Alright Elli, can you screw that last bit in? " Clemont asked.

    I nodded, taking a screwdriver and screwing two peices of metal together.

      Afterwards we walked over to the kitchen and saw Serena and Bonnie talking to Shuanna.

    "Sorry we're late. You ready? " Ash asked.

     "Hold on a sec. " I watched Bonnie and Serena put in the last few decorations for the pokepuffs. They looked really good.

    "Lets go!! "

   In the forest ...

     Serena wanted to find the perfect spot for the video. Although all we've seen were trees and a dirt road.

      "We're getting a little too far from the campsite don't you think? " I asked, holding Gardevoir's hand.

     "Just a little bit farther.." Serena muttered.

   She suddenly pointed to a faraway meadow, it was full of colorful flowers.

    "That's the perfect spot." She started to run faster.

     "Serena wait!! " I yelled, sensing trouble.

   Suddenly Serena started falling, I grabbed onto her and tried to keep her on the road.  But the next thing you know, I'm starting to slip down the cliff.

    I felt a hand grab my shirt, then We fell all the way down to the bottom.

     I moaned a bit before looking up. Serena and Ash were on the floor. I was in a small river.

     "Is everyone okay? " I asked, getting out of the creek. "I guess so, I'm sorry." Serena apologized.

    "Its no ones fault."

     Ash started to stand up but fell again. "My foot mustve gotten twisted." He muttered.

    "Are you guys okay?! "Clemont yelled from above. Gardevoir was right next to them.I sighed in releif that she wasn't stuck here.

    "We're fine. " Ash called back.

   "No we're not, " I yelled. " Ash hurt his foot and he cant walk."

    "Understood. Serena and Elli, you stay with Ash while we get help."

       When they left Serena put a soaked rag on Ash's foot. "That should stop the swelling." She said.

     "Thanks ...We've got to do the video too."

    "That's not what matters right now. " I started. "Your hurt and we're stuck here."



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