chapter 16

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    "You know your Gardevoir reminds me a lot of Diantha's." Ash says suddenly.

   "Who's Diantha? " I asked stopping.

     "Ah You don't know who Diantha is??!!!? "

    Confused, I shook my head. "Not only is she a really good actress  shes the Kalos Region champion." Bonnie explains. I'm still surprised by the things she knows.

     "Do you guys hear that? " A low rumbling began to grow louder and louder.

        "Hit The Deck! " I grabbed everyone and shoved them off of the road. "Dedenae! " Bonnie yells as he falls out of her purse.

     When everyone was on the sidelines I ran to Dedenae. In the front a pack of Ryhorns were charging at us. I only caught a glimpse before Ash pushed us out of the road.

I tripped and landed on my back. Ash landed right next to me. Dedenae started to run around us. Then he rubbed his cheeks on my hand.

     "You okay? " Ash asked getting up.

    "Yeah I guess I got paralyzed. Thanks." Dedenae rubbed my hand even more, suddenly his cheeks electrecuted me


   "Just give me a minute. I cant move."

   I heard a siren and saw a lady in a police uniform coming our way.

   "What ate you doing? Your not supposed to be on the tracks." She says sternly.

     Clemont,Bonnie, and Gardevoir ran over.

   "Thanks for saving Dedenae." The little pokemon ran inside Bonnie's purse.

     The paralyzation started to wear off. I lifted myself onto a sitting position. Gardevoir walked over and checked to see if I was hurt.

    "I owe you one. Thanks." I said to Ash.

  "What are friends for?"

   "The tracks for what? " Clemont asks turning to the lady.

   "Ryhorn racing." the officer gets onto her bike. "Tomorrow newcomers can race. You might like it. Gotta go." She drove off.

    "I'm definetely competing." Ash says with Pikachu cheering.

      "Remember the last time you competed." Clemont says.

     "What happened? " I asked.

   Clemont and Ash explained that Serena taught Ash how to ride a Ryhorn. But, during the race Team Docket got in the way.

    "I'm racing no matter what!" Ash says confidently.

     "And I'm racing with you. Gardevoir can watch with Bonnie and Clemont."

     Bonnie squeels in joy and starts running around us. "Lets go pick out our Ryhorn."


     I opened the door to the Ryhorn pen and was immediately surrounded by Ryhorns..

    One started to lick me and soon all of them were licking me. I giggled uncontrollably,soon Bonnie came and got flicked on too.

    When the Ryhorns finally parted I saw one in the corner. It was smaller than the others, and just my size.

   Cautiously walking over to it, he noticed me but wasn't scared.

     "Is it okay if I can race with you? " Ryhorn nodded and went to get his saddle.

    Walking back to the others I saw Ash failing to get on his Ryhorn's saddle.  

    "Hey Elli! " Bonnie held  a jumpsuit in the air. She led me to a changing room.

    The jumpsuit was green and had a few pockets. When I walked out I saw Ash falling down for the millionth time.

     "First lets show you how to get on." Ash says starting the lesson. He hooks his foot onto the foot rest and stands on it.

     "You set your foot down here and push yourself up. " He flies out of the saddle and onto the ground.

     "Ok....Ryhorn lets try it! " He nods as I set my foot on the rest and sit myself on the saddle.

   "Beginner's luck." Ash dusts himself off.

    I use my feet to nudge Ryhorn. He started to walk around the pen.

   After hours of practicing it was time for bed. Tomorrow the Ryhorn Race will take place.

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