Chapter 30

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"Come on.Lets see what she's doing." Elli pleaded.

   "Alright." Ash said glumly.

   Elli dragged Ash and Pikachu to the last cart.Where that girl was. When they went inside they saw the girl singing.

   Elli joined in, frightening the girl. (I will not add any lyrics mind you.)


   The Northern lights appeared. "We'll be there soon." The conductress said walking in.

   Soon the North Pole started rolling in. Little elves were crowding around the center of town. "Its so beautiful." Elli muttered brushing her red hair behind her ear.

    When the train came to a stop the conductress had a two lines. One for boys and the other for girls.

    "We have to get that girl." Elli grabs Ash's hand and drags him up the cart. Little do they know of Ash 'accidentally 'stepping on the lever that holds the train together.

   "Aren't you coming?" Elli asked once they got there.

  "Christmas doesn't really work out of me."

  Before Elli could speak the cart started to run down the tracks. "Where are the brakes? " Elli ran around the cart looking for it.

    Ash and Pikachu heard a pound. They looked over and saw the same man from earlier pointing to a wheel. He disappeared when they went through a tunnel.

    Ash started to spin the wheel. Soon the train lightly crashed to an end. Sending everyone flying to the ground.


     Suddenly everything felt like it was spinning.When the children made their way to the little porch they saw they were in an underground railroad system.

    "I hear the bells." Elli says jumping off the cart.

   "I do too! "

   Ash and Pikachu strained their ears to hear the sounds of a bell. They heard nothing.

    "Its down that tunnel." Elli points.

   She starts to balance on the pipe. Carefully making their way across

    The little girl starts to slip but gained balance. When they made their way across they found theirselves in the control room.

     A few elves walked to a tube and rode it away. "Come on." Elli urged as she sat in the front.

   "Flabébé you go inside my pocket." Elli instructs. The little pokemon goes inside her shirt pocket so it doesn't fly away.

Elli pushes the middle button once everyone was ready. They zipped they're way down.


  "I think we might've taken a few wrong turns." Ash mutters.Elli waves him off.

   The trio found themselves at some kind of conveyed belt system.

    "Maybe -" A creak came, then gears shifting.

   They all turned to see a present coming their way. It was white and red stripes and a green bow. "Hey that my town." Ash says when he read tthe address.

     "Its going to someone named Bonnie." Elli reads.

   "My names Bonnie! "

   The present was about to go out of sight. Without thinking Bonnie jumped over and grabbed it, but was pulled away by the conveyed belt.

   "Come on.We gotta go after her."

   Elli jumped into the shoot. Ash gripped onto Pikachu as they were sliding down a slide.

    Everyone yelled in joy as they looped around the place.

    Soon they were dropped into a giant bag full of presents. "This is my present! " Bonnie exclaims.

  "It says do not open till December 25th."

    "Oh." Bonnie says glumly. The bag shook. then it was lifted into the air.

    Elli and Ash looked over the elves until they heard Bonnie scream. Somethings got me somethings got me!! "

   Elli and Ash tried to pry Bonnie off of whoever it is grip.

  Suddenly Clemont popped up from the presents. "What are you doing here? "

   "Looking for presents. All I got was a pair of boxers." The bag was settled down onto a sleigh.

    "Alright you stowaways.Party's over." A Elf said as the others made their way down.

    When everyone made their way back to the other children the elves played trumpets.

  "Santa's coming.And here comes the sleigh." All of the reindeer made their way.

    The bells were shaking. But Ash and Pikachu couldn't hear it. "Isn't it the most wonderful sound you've ever heard? " Elli asked in glee.

      "Here's Santa!!!"

   So many people were blockinb Ash and Pikachu's view. But they saw a bell ripping off of the reins. The bell then bounced all the way to Ash's feet.

      Ash crouched down to pick it up. All the sounds were gone. He put the bell close the Pikachu and his ears. Then he shook it softly

     A sweet and soft jingle came. It was so high it was as if a fairy was there.

    "Did you hear that Pikachu? " Ash asked.

     Pikachu nodded and turned to the Bell. Which not only had the reflection of both of them. But a brand new person.

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