But then Louis looked up at Harry and the younger boy was reminded of the red around Louis' eyes and the darkness under them. He also couldn't help but notice the lingering smell of weed in the air.

But Harry knew Louis and Harry knew it would be better not to ask. Eventually Louis would break down and tell him what was wrong all on his own; Asking would only push him away.

"Do you want something to drink?"

Louis nodded curtly, "'ave you got my tea?"

"Course," Harry said before turning on his heel and walking to the kitchen. He knew Louis would follow.

Louis sat himself at the kitchen table and watched as Harry prepared two cups of tea. Harry hummed as the water boiled and Louis couldn't help but a small smile at the sound. Harry was the kind of person that always had a song in his head and, often, didn't even notice when it escaped.

"What song is that?" Louis asked.

Harry blushed, "Did I do it again?"

Louis smiled at Harry's blush and nodded.

"It's just this new band I found on spotify, I'll send you the link later." Louis just nodded. This entire situation felt entirely too normal given the feelings that were swelling through his heart.

Harry finished up the tea and brought it to the table, setting a cup down in front of Louis before sitting in the chair across from him and beginning to sip from his own cup.

They sat in silence, just taking in each other's presence until they had reached the bottoms of their cups. "Shall we go to the living room?" Harry asked, taking Louis' cup to place it in the sink next to his.

Louis nodded and followed Harry. They each took a seat on the long couch, as usual, but unlike usually, there was a cold space between them.

"Do you want to talk about it yet?" Harry asked after a moment of silence.

Louis just looked down and shook his head.

"Okay," Harry said. He switched on the TV and just let the news play. It was after a half hour that Louis finally spoke up.

"I'm ready."

Harry switched off the TV and turned so he was sitting cross legged, facing Louis.

Louis cleared his throat and stared straight ahead, "Could you hold my hand though?"

Harry felt his chest warm at the thought that Louis still wanted, still needed his comfort. Harry scooted across the middle cushion so there was just an inch of space between them and reached for Louis' hand.

He could immediately feel just how clammy Louis' hand was, something that happened when the boy was nervous. He squeezed it and Louis squeezed back.

"Lottie called me yesterday," Louis sniffled, "She didn't know what else to do..."

Harry nodded and leaned slightly closer to Louis so their sides were pressed together. Harry could feel as Louis sighed and pressed back against Harry.

"Apparently, uhm," Louis squeezed Harry's hand and didn't let up, "Mum's been sick and," Louis looked at Harry with tears in his eyes, "It's really bad, Haz."

Harry took his free arm and wrapped it around Louis, bringing the smaller boy into his chest with their hands still intertwined. He felt Louis' small hand reach around and grip the back of Harry's shirt as he took in a deep breath, followed by what sounded like a sob and made Harry's heart break.

"It's okay," Harry whispered, one hand squeezing the back of Louis' neck slightly.

"It's not," Louis cried, "My mum has cancer, and she's dying, and she hates me!"

Harry didn't know what to say, except, "I love you, it's okay."

Harry held Louis as he cried for a while and, eventually, the boy's cries subsided and his breaths evened out. Harry just held him as he slept, relishing in the feel of his boy back in his arms.

It was dark when Harry's mum got home. Harry heard the key in the lock and his mother's quiet whistling before she appeared in the doorway.

When she saw Louis her eyebrows furrowed and she cocked her head to the side. Harry simply shook his head, as if to say, not now, before he tightened his grip on Louis. Anne nodded and walked into the kitchen. Harry could hear her warming up some food before she came back into the room, plate in hand, and took a seat in the armchair.

She took a bite before whispering, "Is he staying the night?"

Harry shrugged before nodding, thinking that he would be damned to let Louis drive in his condition.

"What happened?" Anne whispered again.

"His mum is sick," Harry whispered back, "It's bad."

Anne frowned but didn't say anything. When she had finished the food on her plate, she stood up and approached the couch, running a hand over the back of Louis' head before heading for the kitchen.

Harry just sat there and listened as his mum loaded up the dishwasher before heading up the stairs. Harry leaned his head down so it was resting on Louis'. As he approached a state of sleep, he heard his mum come back down the stairs. Harry turned his head to see her holding the blanket from his bed. Harry nodded and let his mum drape it over him and Louis.

"Thanks," Harry whispered.

Anne nodded and walked back up the stairs.

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