Chapter 64 - Resurrection

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"Are you just going to leave her?" Anakin asked.

"I need to be quick." I said. "This could change everything."

Anakin went to stop me but I'd already ran off out the door. I hated leaving Ahsoka and I wanted to do it even less now, but if his soul hadn't become one with the force then I could go and find it and bring it back.

I quickly arrived at Yoda's quarters. As soon as I got there, I banged on his door.

"Come in." He said from inside. I opened his door and walked inside. He was currently sat on the floor with his eyes closed.

"Master Yoda, I have a question." I said.

"Go on, Padawan (y/n)." He said.

"Did Zatt's soul become one with the force?" I asked.

"Ask, why do you?" He said.

"Because if it didn't, I could revive him." I said.

Yoda grumbled and closed his eyes. "Focus, I must." He said. I sat down on the floor Infront of him as he meditated and tried to find out the truth. A few minutes went by and he didn't move before he opened his eyes.

"One with the force, he did not become, for too young he was." Yoda said.

"Could you find him?" I asked.

"No, not from here. In hell, yes." He said.

"Then let's get going." I said.

"Patience, young one. Take our time, we must." Yoda said.

"We don't have time. If we stall, his soul will be tortured and ripped from his corpse before being used to power the enemies armies to victory." I said.

Yoda nodded at me.

"Get ready, you must. Depart at once, we will." Yoda said.

I nodded and began to sprint off down the corridors and back to my room.

I was nearing my room when I bumped into Ganodi.

"Oh, hello Ganodi." I said as I stopped Infront of him.

"Oh, h-hello (y/n)." She said. "Where are you going?"

"To go get Zatt back." I said as I ran off and back to my room.

As I got back into my room, I heard Ahsoka crying. I ran over to her as Anakin tried to calm her down.

"(Y/n)." She screamed as she launched herself at me and stuck onto my body.

"Hello Ahsoka, I am so so so sorry but I've got to go now." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"No, please, stay with me." She whined.

"Where are you going?" Anakin asked.

"To go get Zatt back." I said.

"What?" Ahsoka asked as she pried herself off of my body a little.

"Ahsoka, please let go of me. If I'm quick enough, I can save Zatt's soul and bring him back to life." I said.

Ahsoka's eyes widened so much as she let go of my body and fell onto the bed.

I rushed over to my suit and began to throw it on as quickly as I could as Anakin checked on Ahsoka who was just staring at the wall.

"I promise I will do everything I can do to get him back." I said.

Ahsoka was still speechless.

"Goodbye Ahsoka, I love you." I said as I kissed her on the forehead.

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